
Complete Application Form: Sample DR BoK 2 RAR #2

When you provide evidence on your experience, you must demonstrate that the requirement as spelt out in the respective BoK is executed during the specific period. This sample submission is in your application form for BoK 2 Risk Analysis and Review.

It is essential to demonstrate that you have conducted the processes within the BoK yourself over the specific period mentioned. Your two referees are willing to confirm the experience when the certification team needs verification.

Do note that some examples are for Specialist Level certification applications.  There is an expectation for more experience and involvement if you are applying for the Expert level certification.



Steve Sobak

BCMBoK 2: Risk Analysis & ReviewRisk Analysis and Review

Example BoK RAR #2 [Specialist Level]IT DR_#RAR Sample 2

1. What was performed?

Identify potential threats as a basis for discussion within the core Group and organised and conducted a workshop to further identify, validate and rate the threats based on likelihood and impact. Creation of a risk register to document the outputs of discussion.

2. When was it done?

January 202x to April 202x and on-going

3. How was it carried out?

  • Identified within the smaller cross-functional groups what are potential incidents/ threats that will disrupt the plant’s critical business functions. This serves as an initial list to spark discussion on potential threats.
    • List of threats includes fire, flood, chemical spillage, staff absenteeism, pandemic outbreak
  • Organised workshop with key operations and management staff to brainstorm on potential threats to the plant’s operations and validate the results on the threats identified by the core Group earlier.
  • Identified the likelihood of occurrence and the impact on operations should each of the threats occur
  • Conducted Risk Assessment exercise to identify top few threats affecting the operations
  • Assessed the existing risk treatments/ mitigation actions currently in place.
  • Reviewed the adequacy and potential areas of improvements
  • Documented all discussions in a risk register for reporting to Management and audit trail purposes
  • Prepared and summarised risk matrix to and presented findings to Management

Note to Applicant:  This feature is meant to assist the applicant and if direct duplication of its content will be regarded by the institute as plagiarism as this is intended to be a sample to assist and not to be copied and modified directly. New call-to-action
BCM Institute reserved the right to reject your application if this action continues as it does not reflect your true experience or it does not truly demonstrate that you have the necessary experience.

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