Body of Knowledge (BoK)
The BCM Body of Knowledge or BCMBoK is an all-inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession of Business Continuity Management (BCM). Since it is usually not possible to put the full body of knowledge of even a discipline, such as BCM audit (A), business continuity (BC), crisis communication (CC), crisis management (CM) or disaster recovery (DR), into a single document, there is a need for a Guide to the BCM Body of Knowledge (BoK).

This BoK guide deposited in BCMPedia seeks to identify and describe that subset of the body of knowledge that is generally accepted, even though the professionals must be knowledgeable not only in BCM Audit, BCM, CC, CM or DR, but also, of course, in other related disciplines.
Seven Subject Areas of BoK
The BCM Body of Knowledge or BoK is categorised into BoK 1 to 7 respectively.
The Seven Subject Area of Body of Knowledge or BoK are:
- BCMBoK 1: Project Management [PM]
- BCMBoK 2: Risk Analysis & Review [RAR]
- BCMBoK 3: Business Impact Analysis [BIA]
- BCMBoK 4: Business Continuity Strategy [BCS]
- BCMBoK 5: Plan Development [PD]
- BCMBoK 6: Testing and Exercising [TE]
- BCMBoK 7: Program Management [PgM]
Click the icons to read more about each BoK

Alignment to Planning Methodology
The BoK 1 to 7 is aligned to the seven phases of the BCM planning methodology. To understand more about each phase, read more about the details of the BCM Planning Methodology.