Business Continuity Management
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IB [BL-WSQ] [BCM] [320] Assignment Requirement

This is the requirement for assignments for the WSQ-BCM-320 blended training. 

It spells out the submission of assignments (uploaded via eCampus after completing the templates in the workbook.

Moh Heng Goh
Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

WSQ-320_Instructor Briefing_Course Details

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IB [BL-WSQ] [BCM-320] Assignment RequirementBlended Learning. There is a requirement for the participants to download and complete the two assignments, namely Business Continuity Strategy (BCS) and Plan Development (PD).

Instructor to note that the participants are expected to complete these two (BCS and PD) templates before attending the course. The instructions to participants are as appended below.

After a walkthrough of the content during your online workshop, the participants are expected to present their completed BCS and PD templates to the online workshop for discussion.

The expectation of Submission: The participant is expected to complete:

  • BCS: Complete the entire BCS template.  The participant is expected to transfer at least two critical business functions (CBFs) identified in the BIA assignment template and update the BCS template starting with the CBFs.
  • PD:  Complete the required portion of Part C of the PD templates as part of the assignment before starting the online workshop (to list at least two critical business functions).  Build a call tree "Annex 3B: Business Unit Call Tree" and note that call trees are now available on WhatsApp Group or the Corporate Notification system.

Onsite Training. Participants would have downloaded all five sets of templates (for BCM-310; 320 and 330) before the start of WSQ-BCM-310 with the links issued by the Program Admin team before the workshop.  This assignment is completed during the class.


Module 2 Session 1 [Assignment 1]

Module 2 Session 2 [M2-S1] Business Continuity Strategy (BCS)

  • Identify and implement strategies for the continuity of critical business functions.

Business Continuity Strategy (BCS)
Do note that the participants are provided with this set of instructions to complete their BCS template.

[WSQ-BCM-320] [[BCS] BCMPedia Guidance NoteDownload BCS templates from eCampus before the start of the M2-S1 online workshop 

Transfer the critical business functions (CBFs) identified in the BIA assignment template from WSQ-BCM-320 and update the BCS template starting with the CBFs. Finally, complete the three parts of the template using at least two critical business functions.

Assignment Submission Requirement

[In-house] Complete at least two critical business functions for every page of the BCS templates.  Note that there should be a "dash" or "-" for every blank entry.

[Training-led Implementation] Complete the entire template for all of the critical business functions from the participants' business units.


Module 2 Session 2 [Assignment 2]

Module 2 Session 2 [M2-S2] Plan Development (BC Plan]

  • Develop effective and functional comprehensive business continuity plans and procedure


BC Plan Development (PD)
Do note that the participants are provided with this set of instructions to complete their PD template.
  • [WSQ-BCM-320] [[PD] BCMPedia Guidance NoteDownload PD Template (Part A & B) is for your reference.
  • Download PD "Part C" for assignment.
  • Complete the required portion of Part C as part of the assignment before starting the online workshop (to list the recovery procedures for at least two critical business functions).
  • Build a call tree using "Annex 3B: Business Unit Call Tree"

Assignment Submission Requirement

  • Submit these two recovery procedures for two critical business functions and a call tree as the assignment

[In-house] Submit these two recovery procedures for two critical business functions and a call tree as the assignment. 

[Training-led Implementation] Complete the entire C BC plan template with actual functions from the participants' business units.  Note that the review is taken over by the Organisation BCM Coordinator.


Submission of Assignment

Assignment: Note that the M2-S2 instructor will be assigned to review and comment on the eCampus email.  The participants are expected to submit two calendar days after your M2-S2 session, and the Program Admin team will be notifying you of the availability of the assignments to be reviewed. 

As a guide for M2-S1 and M2-S2 instructors, the participants will download their templates from this Module that you are viewing now and upload them back to this portal.  The rule is to submit two working days after your session.

Remind the student to submit their completed Assignment as assignments after the class.  The deadline is two calendar days after the Module 3 Session 1 class.

Onsite Training.  There is no requirement to submit assignments except to present in class.

Blended Learning. Participants are required to submit (upload) the four assignments via the "Upload" module in eCampus, and this is to be reviewed by the Facilitator.

Marking of Assignment (Blended Learning)

[WSQ-BCM] [320] [M2-S1] [BCS] Upload Assignment [WSQ-BCM] [320] [M2-S2] [PD] Upload Assignment    
In-house Training-led Implementation
  • Click to icon above to select the assignment to mark
  • Note that there is an "In-house" and also a "Training-led Implementation" icon
  • Select "Separate Groups" and select the group that you are facilitating.
  • You should be able to see the list of participants attending your course. 
  • Click "View All Submission"
  • Click "Grade" to review the submission.
  • Insert comments in the "Feedback Comments" box.



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