Blended Learning. There is a requirement for the participants to complete the templates for CRA and CMS before attending the M2-S1 online session.
The instructor should insist that there are six threats (crisis scenarios) identified from the nine categories [Click the icon "Crisis Type" on the right]. Then, refer to the examples found in the [Click the icon "Crisis Scenario" on the right] blog "Types of Crisis Scenarios."
Set expectations for CRA and CMS assignments. Encourage participants not to select the first two types of crisis scenarios, "Natural" or "Technology" as it is defined as "disaster", and these plans are developed as it comes under the purview of a "business continuity plan."
Assignment Requirement: Participants are required to provide at least four crisis scenarios for the CRA and CMS.
Assignment [1] CRA: Participants must provide at least four crisis scenarios for the CRA.
Assignment [2] CMS: Participants must provide at least four crisis scenarios as identified during the CRA and provide the crisis management strategy (CMS) for each of the identified crisis scenarios.
Note that the participant can download the CRA and CMS templates from eCampus and the Microsoft Word/ Excel document. However, before attending the online workshop, participants must complete and update both templates, and go to "Instructor Toolkit" [Click the icon on the right] to download templates.
![[BL-CM] [3-5] M2 Access to eCampus Instructor Toolkit](https://no-cache.hubspot.com/cta/default/3893111/eee14fb0-9c19-4851-a4e7-0d7b4bcab4f1.png) |
Onsite Training. Participants will be notified to download the templates from eCampus, and the Program Admin team will inform them.
Blended Learning. Participants are expected to complete the CM Plan template and complete it as assignments before attending the online class.
Onsite Training. If it is brick and mortar class, they will do the assignment in class. They are expected to present the content of the CM plan to the class based on their crisis scenario.
Assignment [3] CM Plan: Participants are required to submit at least two (2) "Incident Action List" based on two of the four crisis scenarios presented in assignment 1: CRA and CMS.
Set expectations for CM Plan assignment. Participants are provided a complete CM plan structure via a downloadable CM Plan template in eCampus.
Participants should develop two sets of plans called "Incident Action List." based on any of the four crisis scenarios selected.
Use the sample "Terrorism, Civil Unrest and Demonstrations" as an example for your assignment if you are viewing from the electronic platform.
It is shown as Appendices X1 to X6 in the downloaded CM Plan template from eCampus.
Note that samples are provided as appendices in the CM Plan for the participants to refer to.
Blended Learning. Participants are required to submit (upload) the three completed assignments: [1] CRA, [2] CMS and [3] CM Plan as assignments via the "Upload" module in eCampus. This is to be reviewed by the Facilitator.
Remind the participants to submit their three completed assignments: CRA, CMS and CM Plan, as assignments after the class. The deadline is two calendar days after the Module 2 Session 2 class.
Onsite Training. There is no requirement to submit assignments except to present them in class. There are no onsite training courses offered for Module 2.