Business Continuity Management
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IB [BL-B] [4-5] Module 3 Assignment Requirement

This is the requirement for assignments for the blended training.  It spells out the submission of two assignments for Module 3 of the BL-B-5 blended learning course or the BCM-5000 onsite training.

Moh Heng Goh
Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

BG Bann_Instructor Briefing Series_BCM_Module 3 Assigment Requirement

Assignment 1 [M3-S1]

IB [BL-B] [4-5] [M3] Assignment RequirementBlended Learning.  There is a requirement for the student to complete the (assignment) workbook using the Case Study AllSafe Bank.

Note that the Exercise Assignment workbook is downloaded by the participant from eCampus and the Microsoft Word (Exercise Assignment) document supported by the PDF file (Case Study) must be completed and updated by the participants for blended learning.

The instructor can click the two icons [1] Case Study AllSafe Bank [2] Exercise Assignment workbook on the right for the e-Version of both documents.  You can actually use this during your online facilitation workshop instead of the word or PDF version.

BL-B-5 AllSafe Bank Case Study Table of ContentNew call-to-action

Instructor to note that there is a sample (completed) version of this workbook in the "Instructor Toolkit" section.  You are strongly advised to get the participants to present during the online workshop and not present the "model answer."

Onsite Training. Participants will be notified to download the files (Case Study and Assignment Exercise workbook) issued by the Program Admin team prior to the workshop. 

This assignment is completed during the class.


Assignment 2 [M3-S2]

Blended Learning. Participants are expected to download from the eCampus and complete the three PowerPoint slides templates (RAR, BIA and BCS) as assignments before attending the online class.

Onsite Training.  If it is brick and mortar class, they will do the assignment in class. They are expected to present the RAR, BIA, and BCS reports to the class, acting as a management committee.


Submission of Assignment

Remind the student to submit their completed Assignment Exercise workbook and 3 PowerPoint reports as assignments after the class.  The deadline is two calendar days after the Module 3 Session 2 class.

Onsite Training.  There is no requirement to submit assignments except to present them in class.

Blended Learning. Participants are required to submit (upload) the two assignments: the completed "Exercise Assignment" workbook and the three sets of "PowerPoint" documents via the "Upload" module in eCampus and this is to be reviewed by the Facilitator.




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