Blended Learning. In Module 2 Session 1 [M2-S1], there is no assignment as this is to allow the participants to have an understanding of the BCM Audit concepts.
Note that in the previous Module 1, the participants are grounded on the BCM knowledge and here is where their knowledge is "extended" to encompass the BCM audit concepts.
The participant will proceed to download this Audit Checklist template and complete this assignment before the workshop.
This is an updated audit checklist based on the latest ISO22301:2019 BCMS standard. You are required to select two clauses (or requirements) from the template and attempt to develop a series of questions that you will be asking the auditees.
If you need help with sample questions, refer to Pre-reading for "Audit Checklist": BCM Audit Questionnaires: Table of Content."
Appended below is the course content for Module 2 to be facilitated and completed for Module 2.
Module 2 Session 1
- L1 Understanding ISO22301 BCMS Concepts and Process
- L2 Understand the BCMS Framework and BCM Program
- L3 Aligning to ISO 22301/ 22313 BCMS Standard
Module 2 Session 2
- L4 Planning and Preparing the BCMS Audit
Assignment: Note that the M2-S2 instructor will be assigned to review and comment on the eCampus email.
The participants are expected to submit two calendar days after your M2-S2 session, and the Program Admin team will be notifying you of the availability of the assignments to be reviewed.
As a guide for M2-S1 and M2-S2 instructors, the participants will download their templates from this Module that you are viewing now and upload them back to this portal. The rule is to submit two working days after your session.
Remind the student to submit their completed Assignment as assignments after the class. The deadline is two calendar days after the Module 3 Session 2 class.
Onsite Training. There is no requirement to submit assignments except to present in class.
Blended Learning. Participants are required to submit (upload) the four assignments via the "Upload" module in eCampus, and this is to be reviewed by the Facilitator.