Training-led Implementation Series
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[1A] [PM] SSG Funded BCM Project: Starting the Project

This series is part one [1] of the reading for organisational representatives [or BCM project team leader and members] designated to embark on a BCM implementation using a combination of training with funding from SSG supported by consulting to develop, implement and finalize its BCM program for an organisation.  This is the start of the BCM project for a typical organisation.
Suhana Sunreh


This series is part of the reading for participants embarking on a BCM implementation using a combination of training with funding from IMDA - the Singapore government and consulting to develop, implement and finalize its BCM program for an organisation. 

When funding is  allocated from the Singapore Government, and incorporated as part of the overall BCM project, certain information are required to kick start a working framework for the engagement. 

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GMHWe need to highlight that any additional work which is not Funded BCM training related will be implemented by BCM Institute's associated partners such as GMH Continuity Architects.

Before we start the project with your organisation, a working framework is develop and it includes the standard project management features. 

1.  Engagement Letter
  • A letter of acceptance to BCM Institute or purchase order from your organisation to confirm the project and training.
New call-to-action2.  Register Your Organisation with IMDA Singapore (SG)
  • Create and account in IMDA Portal for your organization to apply for and claim training grants for course fees.  
  • Read "How Do I Register for the BCM-5000 Funding?"
3.  Participant List
  • Provide a participant list including information on nationality and age range, both required by IMDA for calculation of grant amount
  • Document the department that the participants belongs to, his job role and designation, the name of his reporting manager, and his/her contact details.
4.  Organization Structure
  • Provide a structure of the organisation showing the business units and sub-units, and if available, the acronyms for these units.
  • Provide any information on the makeup of any existing crisis management and emergency response teams.
5.  Schedule for Project Tasks
  • Develop and agree on the schedule for project tasks, including workshops, template submissions, assessments and presentations.
  • Note that it is a prerequisite for WSQ funding to attain a minimum attendance rate and to pass the assessments, it is important that all participants attend the workshops and assessments.
6.  Related Organisational Policy and Framework
  • Make available any company policy and/or framework related to risk management to the facilitator and/or consultant who will ensure that any new policies and procedures to be developed during the project will align with these existing ones. 

Stage Deliverable

1_Project Management 02

The result of this Startup phase (Project Management Phase) would be a project plan with clear objectives, schedules and deliverable, as well as defined roles and responsibilities for project manager, participants and the consultant.

A kick off meeting should then be arranged to brief Management on how the project plan and how the project would be implemented.

Now that the initiation of the BCM project is underway with the necessary documentation for to be completed for the necessary application of the SSG funding, it is time to "Developing BCM Structure and Framework."


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