Operational Resilience Series
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[OR] [P1-S1] Assess Capability and Maturity in Operational Resilience

Capability and maturity are models against which an organisation’s operational resilience performance can be measured and improved.

These capability and maturity models describe the essential elements of effective operational resilience processes and work to be executed in the organisation. The rigour and quality of the process used to develop them highly influence the assurance of continuing business services.

This blog [OR-P1-S1] elaborates on the content for Stage 1 of the "PLAN" phase or P1 of the OR Planning Methodology.  

Course Participants: This blog is a pre-reading for the Operational Resilience Expert Implementer course participants.

Certification Application: The "How To" section is designed to assist successful participants in completing their Certification Application Form or CAF.

Moh Heng Goh
Operational Resilience Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

OR PM Plan Embarking the Operational Resilience JourneyWhat is Capability and Maturity Assessment?

OR PM Plan Assess Capability and MaturityCapability and maturity are models against which an organisation’s operational resilience performance can be measured and improved.

These capability and maturity models describe the essential elements of effective operational resilience processes and organisational work. The rigour and quality of the method used to develop them highly influence the completeness of the continuation of business services.

OR C&M AssessmentThe OR capability and maturity assessment should follow a three-phase approach: (1) assess, (2) analyze and (3) address.

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How to Conduct A Detailed Capability and Maturity Assessment?

  OR C&M Assessment

Three-Phase Approach of OR Capability and Maturity Assessment 

  Phase 1: Assess

Assess the current state of functional capabilities and suitability through various areas within the organisation. These include governance, organisational design, technology, processes, and roles and responsibilities.

The first step, "assess", involves using a scorecard of operational resilience parameters and a radar chart, also known as a web or spider chart.

The scorecard should be completed by senior management and the respective business heads for each of the organisation's verticals.

OR_C&M Assesment_Assess  
  Phase 2: Analyze

The "analyse" step is once the appointed operational resilience team lead receives the completed scorecards and linked radar charts. The analysis phase can begin.

The analysis phase aims to identify the most critical parameters on which to start working.

OR_C&M Assessment_Analyse  
  Phase 3: Address 

In this last step, "address", senior management and the business heads should meet to address the weaknesses.

One way to collect ideas for improving these areas is to use brainstorming. This technique involves immediately sharing ideas aloud.

After compiling the broad action ideas, the group can drill them down using a decision tree diagram. All attainable action items should be slotted into a Gantt chart to form the improvement roadmap.

OR Three-Phase Approach of Capability and Maturity Assessment Address  



  Definition Explanation Definition  
  Capability Assessment

targets individual processes with a snapshot of current practices for each assessed OR process.

OR Capability Assessment BCMPedia  
  Capability Level

measures a process's implementation and performance.

OR Capability Level BCMPedia  
  Capability Level Model

helps organisations to understand the current state of their operational resilience and identify areas for improvement to reach the capability level.

OR Blog Capability-level Model for Processes  
  Maturity Assessment

provides a snapshot of sets of OR processes within an organisation.  It can be limited to a single unit or department or targeted at the whole organization.

OR Maturity Assessment BCMPedia  
  Maturity Level

is associated with focus areas and measures how these processes in the focus area achieve that particular capability level by collecting substantial underlying evidence to support enterprise goals.

OR Maturity Level BCMPedia  
  Maturity Level Model

is a helpful tool for organizations to understand their current operational resilience and identify areas for improvement to upgrade to the next level of maturity.

OR Blog Maturity Level Model for Focus Area  
"Plan" Phase of the OR Planning Methodology


Assess Capability and Maturity Analyse Gap Develop Strategy and Roadmap Confirm Risk Appetite Develop and Embed Governance  
OR PM Plan Assess Capability and Maturity OR PM Plan Analyse Gap New call-to-action New call-to-action OR PM Develop and Embed Governance  


More Information About Blended Learning OR-5000 [BL-OR-5] or OR-300 [BL-OR-3]

Contact our course consultant colleagues to learn more about our blended learning program and when the next course is scheduled.  They are the BL-OR-3 Blended Learning OR-300 Operational Resilience Implementer and the BL-OR-5 Blended Learning OR-5000 Operational Resilience Expert Implementer.

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[BL-OR] [3] FAQ OR-300

If you have any questions, click to contact us.Email to Sales Team [BCM Institute]

FAQ BL-OR-5 OR-5000
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