Operational Resilience Audit Series
Bg Bann_OR_Audit and Review Questionnaires

Table of Content for "Implement" phase of the Operational Resilience Audit and Review Questionnaires and Checklists

This is the table of contents of the operational resilience audit questionnaires and checklist for the "Implement" phase of the Operational Resilience Planning Methodology.

Caution from Author: Remember that each blog or set of questionnaires and checklists should be used independently.  The reason is that the content overlapping all three phases and their 15 stages is extensive.  As a reviewer or auditor, you will never use all 15 sets of blogs concurrently.

Moh Heng Goh
Operational Resilience Audit-Specialist-Expert

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Operational Resilience Audit Questionnaires and Checklist

Implement Phase

Operational Resilience Planning Methodology
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Operational Resilience Planning Methodology:  The three phases are "Plan", "Implement", and "Sustain."  Each phase has five implementation stages.  

Click each phase's five stages to learn more about the detailed questions and how the checklist supports them.  Note that there is overlap for some of the stages in terms of content, as you will never be auditing all 15 stages concurrently during the maturity of the organisation OR program.

The rationale is that you, as a reviewer or auditor, will not be conducting the audit of review for all three phases together. Hence, the essential controls still need to be embedded in several stages.


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Questionnaires and Checklist "Implement" Phase

Identify Critical Business Services Map Processes and Resources

Set Impact Tolerance

Conduct Scenario Testing

Improve Lesson Learnt

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