Operational Resilience Audit Series
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ORA Challenges Faced: Resource Constraints

While resource constraints pose challenges, strategic planning, collaboration, and focusing on critical areas for operational resilience can help auditors make the most of available resources and conduct effective OR audits.

This series of OR audit blogs summarises the understanding of these challenges before embarking on their operational resilience audits.  This blog focuses on "Resource Constraints"

Moh Heng Goh
Operational Resilience Audit-Specialist-Expert

Challenges Faced by Auditors when Conducting an Operational Resilience Audit

Resource Constraints

Resource constraints can significantly impede auditors during operational resilience audits:

Auditors affected by constraints in resources must take the following considerations when conducting the OR audit.

Personnel Limitations

  • Deliver a comprehensive audit demands skilled professionals with expertise in various domains, including risk management, technology, business processes, and compliance.
  • Attempt to limit the number of personnel involved in the audit might restrict the breadth of expertise available for a thorough assessment.

Time Constraints

  • Auditors might face pressure to complete audits within tight timelines.
  • Rushed assessments can compromise the depth of analysis, leading to oversight of critical vulnerabilities or inadequate exploration of resilience strategies.

Access to Specialised Tools and Technology

  • Effective audits often rely on specialised tools for data analysis, risk modelling, and scenario planning.
  • Understand budget constraints might limit access to or investment in these tools, impacting the sophistication and accuracy of the audit process.

Scope Limitations

  • Result in narrowing the audit scope  because of resource limitations
  • Necessitate and potentially leaving out certain critical areas from the assessment.  
  • May compromise the comprehensiveness of the OR audit and might overlook significant risks.

Training and Skill Development

  • Maintain continuous training and skill development are essential for auditors to keep up with evolving risks and methodologies.
  • Understand that resource constraints might limit opportunities for ongoing professional development, affecting the quality of audit practices.

Strategy to Mitigate These Challenges


  • Focus on the most critical business services or functions for business continuity.
  • Prioritise critical business services based on risk impact can ensure limited resources are allocated to areas with the highest potential risk.

Collaboration and Partnerships

  • Collaborate with internal stakeholders, external experts, or other audit teams to leverage additional expertise or resources.
  • Enhance partnerships to expand the depth of analysis and have access to specialised knowledge or tools.

Efficiency and Optimization

  • Streamline audit processes using automation, standardised templates, or efficient workflows.
  • This can help optimize resource usage and maximize the effectiveness of available resources.

Strategic Resource Allocation

  • Allocate resources strategically by identifying high-impact areas that require more attention and dedicating resources accordingly.
  • Deploy a risk-based approach will help prioritise resource allocation.

Continuous Improvement

  • Adopt the aim for continuous improvement in audit methodologies despite limitations.
  • Encourage learning from each audit cycle and refine audit approaches can maximize the impact of available resources.

While resource constraints pose challenges, strategic planning, collaboration, and focusing on critical areas can help auditors make the most of available resources and conduct effective operational resilience audits.

Summing Up ...

Addressing these challenges often requires a multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration across various departments, access to updated information, leveraging technological solutions for data analysis, and continuous adaptation to emerging threats.

Flexibility and agility in audit methodologies are crucial to assess and enhance an organisation's operational resilience effectively.

Types of Challenges Faced by OR Auditor and Reviewer
New call-to-action Scope Definition Dynamic Risk Landscape Interdependencies and Supply Chain Risks Data and Information Management
New call-to-action Complexity of Business Processes Measuring Resilience Effectively Resource Constraints Regulatory Compliance



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