Operational Resilience Audit Series
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[ORA-5] ORA-5000 Blended Learning Course Schedule 2024

This is the schedule for the Blended Learning ORA-5000 Course for the year 2024. 

We have catered for courses running at two zonal timing PST and GMT:

  • 1 pm PST
  • 2 pm GMT

Please read the schedule carefully before choosing your preferred course run.

Azizah Nurdin
Operational Resilience Audit-Specialist-Expert

New call-to-actionORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert  2024 Course Schedule

Click any of the "Run #" icons in each table below to learn more about the course schedule you are interested in.  The breakdown of each run by Modules 1 to 4 is also illustrated.

The schedule is appended below. 


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 2
Quarter Two (May to Jun 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 2
New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 8 May 24 24 May 24 7 Jun 24 21 Jun 24
End Date 15 May 24 31 May 24 14 Jun 24 28 Jun 24

NOTE: Run 2 class starting at 2 PM GMT+8


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 2A
Quarter Two (Jun to Jul 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 2A
New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 4 Jun 24 18 Jun 24 4 Jul 24 18 Jul 24
End Date 11 Jun 24 25 Jun 24 11 Jul 24 25 Jul 24

NOTE: Run 2A class starting at 9 PM GMT+8

Click FAQ icon to check the timing for your region.  Read, "I noticed that the course is held at Asian time. Is there any time for me as I reside outside the Asia Pacific Region?"

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Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 3
Quarter Three (Jul to Sep 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 3 New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 31 Jul 24 14 Aug 24 26 Aug 24 9 Sep 24
End Date 13 Aug 24 21 Aug 24 2 Sep 24 17 Sep 24

NOTE: Run 3 class starting at 2 PM GMT+8

Note that 16 Sep 24 is a Public Holiday in Malaysia (Prophet Muhammad's birthday). The class will resume on the following day, i.e. 17 Sep 24


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 3A
Quarter Three (Sep to Oct 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 3A New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 6 Sep 24 27 Sep 24 10 Oct 24 24 Oct 24
End Date 19 Sep 24 4 Oct 24 17 Oct 24 30 Oct 24

NOTE: Run 3A class starting at 9 PM GMT+8


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 4
Quarter Four (Oct to Dec 24) 
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 4 New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 27 Oct 24 6 Nov 24 21 Nov 24 5 Dec 24
End Date 10 Nov 24 13 Nov 24 28 Nov 24 12 Dec 24

NOTE: Run 4 class starting at 2 PM GMT+8


Year & Run [BL-ORA-5] 2024 Run 4A
Quarter Four (Oct to Dec 24)
Calendar_2024_ORA_Run 4A
New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [3] M2 What is ORA-300? New call-to-action [BL-ORA] [4] [5] M4 What is ORA-5000?
Start Date 27 Oct 24 11 Nov 24 27 Nov 24 11 Dec 24
End Date 10 Nov 24 18 Nov 24 4 Dec 24 18 Dec 24

NOTE: Run 4A class starting at 9 PM GMT+8


+ For ORCP/ ORAS/ ORAE Qualifying Examination:

The program manager will advise on the next step once you enrol in the course.


More Information About Blended Learning Operational Resilience Audit (ORA) Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of OR auditing courses: ORA-3 Blended Learning ORA-300 Operational Resilience Audit Specialist and the ORA-5 Blended Learning ORA-5000 Operational Resilience Audit Expert.

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