Operational Resilience Audit Series
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ORA Challenges Faced: Dynamic Risk Landscape

Navigating a dynamic risk landscape during an operational resilience audit presents auditors with several formidable challenges.

This series of OR audit blogs summarises the understanding of these challenges before embarking on their operational resilience audits.  This blog focuses on "Dynamic Risk Landscape."

Moh Heng Goh
Operational Resilience Audit-Specialist-Expert

Challenges Faced by Auditors when Conducting an Operational Resilience Audit

Dynamic Risk Landscape


Navigating a dynamic risk landscape during an operational resilience audit presents auditors with several formidable challenges:

Rapidly Evolving Threat Landscape

The landscape of risks continually shifts due to emerging threats, technological advancements, and evolving tactics used by malicious actors. New risks like cyberattacks, data breaches, supply chain vulnerabilities, or geopolitical crises constantly emerge, requiring auditors to stay updated and anticipate potential disruptions.

Unforeseen Threats and Black Swan Events

Some disruptions, often termed "black swan events," are unforeseen or improbable. These events, such as pandemics, extreme weather incidents, or geopolitical conflicts, can have significant, far-reaching impacts that are challenging to predict or prepare for adequately.

Complexity in Risk Assessment

Assessing and quantifying these emerging and evolving risks is challenging. They might need historical data for analysis, making it hard to gauge their potential impact accurately. Understanding the interplay between various risks and their cascading effects further complicates the assessment.

Regulatory and Compliance Changes

Regulatory changes, shifts in industry standards, or geopolitical changes can introduce new compliance requirements or alter the risk landscape. Keeping abreast of these changes and assessing their impact on operational resilience adds another layer of complexity to the audit process.

Balancing Proactivity and Reactivity

Anticipating and preparing for all potential disruptions is an immense challenge. Auditors must balance proactive measures—such as scenario planning and stress testing—and reactive strategies to effectively address unforeseen disruptions.

Resource Constraints

Staying ahead of an ever-evolving risk landscape demands significant resources, including access to specialised expertise, tools for real-time monitoring, and continuous training to keep abreast of new threats.

Navigating the Dynamic Risk Landscape as an OR Auditor ...

Limited resources constrain the ability to proactively identify and mitigate emerging risks effectively.

Auditors must adopt agile methodologies for continuous risk assessment and scenario planning to address these challenges.

They must collaborate with industry experts, leverage predictive analytics and threat intelligence, and conduct robust stress tests that simulate disruptive scenarios. Also, fostering a resilient organisational culture can help adapt and respond.

Summing Up ...

Addressing these challenges often requires a multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration across various departments, access to updated information, leveraging technological solutions for data analysis, and continuous adaptation to emerging threats.

Flexibility and agility in audit methodologies are crucial to assess and enhance an organisation's operational resilience effectively.

Types of Challenges Faced by OR Auditor and Reviewer
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