Operational Resilience Audit Series
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ORA Challenges Faced: Scope Definition

The challenges to defining the scope for an operational resilience audit primarily revolve around the complexities arising from the interconnected nature of an organisation's operations and the need for a comprehensive understanding of its inner workings.

This series of OR audit blogs summarises the understanding of these challenges before embarking on their operational resilience audits.  This blog focuses on "Scope Definition."

Moh Heng Goh
Operational Resilience Audit-Specialist-Expert

Challenges Faced by Auditors when Conducting an Operational Resilience Audit

Scope Definition


Scope DefinitionThe challenges to defining the scope for an operational resilience audit primarily revolve around the complexities arising from the interconnected nature of an organisation's operations and the need for a comprehensive understanding of its inner workings.

Interconnectedness of Business Functions

Many modern organisations have intricate webs of interconnected processes and systems. Pinpointing the boundaries of the audit scope becomes challenging because disruptions in one area can ripple across others. This interconnectedness makes it difficult to isolate individual components for assessment.

Dependency Identification

Understanding the dependencies between various critical business services, especially the breakdown in business functions, systems, and third-party entities, is crucial. However, these dependencies might only sometimes be explicit or easily discernible. Some critical dependencies might be hidden or overlooked, potentially leaving vulnerabilities to be addressed.

Depth of Understanding

A deep understanding of the organisation's operations, especially in larger or more complex enterprises, demands substantial time and resources. Without a comprehensive grasp of how different functions interrelate and support each other, auditors might miss critical components or fail to evaluate their significance accurately.

Dynamic Nature of Operations

Businesses are in a constant state of flux. New technologies, process changes, or market adaptations might alter the operational landscape. Keeping up with these changes and adjusting the audit scope is challenging and requires continuous monitoring and updates.

Subjectivity in Prioritisation

Identifying and prioritising critical processes or functions can be subjective. Different organisational stakeholders may have varying opinions on what is critical or less critical. Balancing these perspectives to create an objective and practical scope can be challenging.

Summarising the execution of Scope Definition ...

To tackle these challenges, auditors must collaborate closely with stakeholders across departments, leverage data analytics and technology to map dependencies, conduct extensive interviews and workshops, and continuously reassess the scope throughout the audit process.

Flexibility and adaptability are essential to refine the audit scope to align with the organisation's evolving operational landscape.

Summing Up ...

Addressing these challenges often requires a multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration across various departments, access to updated information, leveraging technological solutions for data analysis, and continuous adaptation to emerging threats.

Flexibility and agility in audit methodologies are crucial to assess and enhance an organisation's operational resilience effectively.

Types of Challenges Faced by OR Auditor and Reviewer
New call-to-action Scope Definition Dynamic Risk Landscape Interdependencies and Supply Chain Risks Data and Information Management
New call-to-action Complexity of Business Processes Measuring Resilience Effectively Resource Constraints Regulatory Compliance



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