Crisis Communication Planning Methodology Series
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[CC] [PM] Crisis Communication Strategy: Charting Your Course Through the Storm

Phase 4 of the Crisis Communication Planning Methodology focuses on crafting a comprehensive communication strategy – your roadmap for navigating any potential crisis. This chapter equips you with the tools to develop a plan that addresses the threats identified in the previous phases. The foundation of your strategy lies in clearly defined communication objectives.

These objectives, such as maintaining public trust or minimizing reputational damage, guide all your communication efforts during a crisis. Next, establish core messaging principles that will act as your guiding light. Transparency, empathy, accountability, consistency, and timeliness are crucial principles to ensure your communication is credible and builds trust with stakeholders.

Effective crisis communication requires tailoring your message to specific audiences. The chapter guides you through identifying your key target audiences, such as employees, customers, media, and investors. Understanding their information needs allows you to craft targeted messages for each group.

These messages, derived from your communication objectives and core messaging principles, should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Finally, the chapter explores the various communication channels you can use to effectively reach your target audiences during a crisis. From internal communication channels like employee meetings to external channels like press releases and social media, selecting the right platform ensures your key messages are heard.

Following the steps outlined in this chapter, you can develop a crisis communication strategy that empowers your organization to respond effectively to any crisis scenario. With clear communication objectives, core messaging principles, and targeted messages delivered through the appropriate channels, you can navigate a crisis while minimizing damage and protecting your reputation.

Moh Heng Goh
Crisis Communication Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

Phase 4: Crisis Communication Strategy

Charting Your Course Through The Storm

Having identified potential crisis scenarios and analyzed their impact (Phases 2 & 3), it's time to chart your action. This chapter explores Phase 4 of the "Seven Phases of Crisis Communication Planning Methodology": Crisis Communication Strategy.

Here, we will guide you through developing a comprehensive communication plan to address the threats identified in the previous phases.

What Exactly is Crisis Communication Strategy?

In Crisis Communication Planning, a Crisis Communication Strategy defines your overall communication approach during a crisis.

It establishes clear communication objectives (e.g., maintaining trust), core messaging principles (e.g., transparency), identifies target audiences (e.g., employees, media), and outlines the key messages you want to convey to each group.

This strategy guides your communication efforts, ensuring a consistent, targeted, and credible approach during any crisis.


Defining Your Communication Objectives

The first step is establishing clear and measurable communication objectives for your crisis communication strategy. These objectives should guide all your communication efforts during a crisis. Here are some examples:

  • Maintaining Public Trust. Communicate transparently and honestly to maintain stakeholder confidence.
  • Minimizing Reputational Damage. Proactive communication can mitigate negative media coverage and public perception.
  • Protecting Employee Morale. Keep employees informed and engaged to minimize anxiety and disruptions.
  • Ensuring Business Continuity. Communicate effectively to maintain essential operations and minimize financial losses.

Outlining your communication objectives ensures a focused and targeted approach during a crisis.

Developing Core Messaging Principles

Next, establish core messaging principles to guide your communication throughout the crisis. These principles should be consistent across all communication channels and stakeholders. Here are some key considerations:

  • Transparency. Be truthful, open, and forthcoming in your communication.
  • Empathy. Acknowledge the concerns of stakeholders and demonstrate empathy for those affected.
  • Accountability. Take ownership of the situation and communicate your commitment to resolving it.
  • Consistency. Maintain a consistent message across all platforms and communication channels.
  • Timeliness. Communicate promptly and avoid information delays that can fuel speculation.

Adhering to these core messaging principles can build trust and credibility with your stakeholders during a crisis.

Identifying Target Audiences

Effective crisis communication requires tailoring your message to specific audiences. Identify your key target audiences, such as:

  • Employees. Keep them informed and engaged, and address their concerns.
  • Customers. Maintain trust and loyalty by providing updates and demonstrating how you address the crisis.
  • Media. Develop relationships with key media outlets to ensure accurate and timely information dissemination.
  • Investors. Communicate transparently about potential financial impacts and your actions to mitigate them.
  • The Public. Address broader public concerns and minimize negative perceptions.

Understanding your target audiences' information needs allows you to craft targeted messages for each group.

Developing Key Messages

Based on your communication objectives, core messaging principles, and target audiences, develop key messages that will be the cornerstone of your crisis communication. These key messages should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. For each crisis scenario, consider what information each audience needs and the key message you want to convey.

Communication Channels

Identify your communication channels to reach your target audiences during a crisis. Here are some potential channels:

  • Internal communication. Company-wide emails, employee meetings, and internal message boards.
  • External communication. Press releases, media briefings, social media channels, website updates.
  • Investor communication. Investor calls, press releases, regulatory filings.

By utilizing the appropriate communication channels, you can ensure your key messages reach the intended audiences effectively during a crisis.

A well-defined crisis communication strategy empowers your organization to respond effectively to any crisis scenario. This chapter has equipped you with the tools to establish clear communication objectives, develop core messaging principles, identify target audiences, craft key messages, and select appropriate communication channels.

Following these steps, you can navigate a crisis by communicating with clarity, transparency, and empathy, ultimately minimizing damage and protecting your reputation.


Summing Up ...

In this chapter, focusing on Phase 4: Crisis Communication Strategy, we've equipped you to chart a clear course for navigating any potential crisis through effective communication. By establishing well-defined communication objectives (e.g., maintaining trust, minimizing reputational damage), you've set the direction for your crisis response. We've also explored the importance of core messaging principles like transparency and empathy, which will guide your communication and build trust with stakeholders.

Having identified your key target audiences (employees, media, customers) and their information needs, you can now craft clear, concise, and targeted messages for each group. Finally, selecting the appropriate communication channels (internal emails, press briefings, social media) ensures your messages reach the intended audiences effectively. With a well-defined crisis communication strategy in place, you've laid the groundwork for a comprehensive action plan.

The next chapter, Phase 5: Crisis Communication Plan Development, will guide you through translating this strategy into a detailed roadmap outlining specific communication steps for each potential crisis scenario.




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