Congratulations on completing your BCM/ IT DR/ BCM Audit/Crisis Management/Crisis Communication/Operational Resilience certification course with BCM Institute.
Now it's time for you to attempt your certification exam.
So, what is needed for you to be prepared and ready for the certification examination? Let us share some key topics often encountered by candidates and tips.
Here is where we are sharing with you how you will be accessing our examination portal during the days of your examination.
Reason for Logging to the Exam Portal
The key is to ensure that your user id and the password for your examination are verified and that you have a trial on the system. Our objective is to take out the "technology" concern from you before the start of the examination.
Verify Your User id and Password.
You must receive your user id and password from the institute's examination team. Do note that this user ID is used for the actual examination. However, it is used to access the practice exam for revision purposes before the start of the actual examination.
Useful Tips [Did Not Receive Userid and Password] 
If you have not received the user id and password, go to your "junk mailbox" to retrieve the email, as often, it ends there. As a precaution, the institute will also send a copy of the user and password to your secondary email.
After checking your junk box and you have still not received the user ID/ password about a week before the course, you should contact the examination team..
Useful Tips [Wrong Userid and Passwords]
As the user ID and password are used for both practice and the actual examination, using it for the practice exam will provide confidence that the user ID and password are correct during the actual examination.
If there is an error in the user ID or password, you may want to note that Zero "0" and the letter "O" may look alike depending on the font type set up on your email. Other everyday observations are One or "1" looks like the letter "L" or "l".
Doing the Practice Examination
At BCM Institute, we provide certification practice questions and tests as we believe that candidates will be better prepared for their certification exam by taking this practice. The practice examination is a sample of the actual examination, and the emphasis is for the candidate to have hands-on on how to sign in using the user ID and password allocated to her/him. The other objective is for the candidate to select the correct answer (scoring) after reading the questions.
Useful Tips [Attempt and Score Your Answer]
When attempting the examination, knowing the mechanism of scoring the right answer is good. Often, there are four answers to one question, and you are expected to score only one answer.
Closing Thoughts
Preparing to take a certification exam does not have to be hard if you prepare yourself well. You have reached the final stage since passing the initial course. Therefore, if you know the information to pass, you must make sure you make your weaknesses into strengths, and then you are guaranteed to pass your exam.
Read "Examination" for the "Frequently Asked Questions" regarding the examination.
Good Luck!