Crisis Management Series
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[CM] Step 4B: Determine the Limitations and Assumptions When Implementing a Crisis Management Program

No crisis management plan is perfect. Even the most comprehensive approaches have limitations. The inherent unpredictability of crises, resource constraints, and human factors can all throw a wrench into the best-laid plans.

Additionally, the program relies on assumptions like critical personnel availability, functional infrastructure, and public cooperation, which may not always hold.

However, acknowledging these limitations can help you develop a more realistic and adaptable plan. Techniques like scenario planning, resource optimisation, and stress management training can help mitigate limitations.

It is also crucial to regularly test and update your plan to ensure its effectiveness. By taking these steps, you can create a crisis management program that strengthens your organization's resilience to any challenge.

Moh Heng Goh
Crisis Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert

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What are the limitations and assumptions when implementing a crisis management program?


Here are some fundamental limitations and assumptions when implementing a crisis management program.


Unpredictable Events

Crises can be inherently unpredictable. While you can plan for common scenarios, unforeseen events will always pose challenges.

Resource Constraints

Crisis management plans require resources, including personnel, training, and technology. Budgetary limitations may restrict the scope of your plan.

Human Factors

Even the best plans can be impacted by human error, emotional responses, or communication breakdowns during a crisis.

Rapidly Evolving Situations

Crises can unfold quickly, requiring real-time adjustments and adaptations to the plan.


Availability of Key Personnel

The plan relies on key personnel being available and functioning effectively during a crisis. Injury, illness, or psychological stress can impact this.

Functionality of Infrastructure

The plan assumes the functionality of critical infrastructure like communication systems and utilities during a crisis.

Public Cooperation

The plan may depend on some level of cooperation from the public following instructions and guidelines during a crisis.

Effectiveness of Training

The plan assumes that training for crisis scenarios has been practical and employees will remember and follow procedures.

Acknowledging Limitations and Assumptions

You can develop a more realistic and adaptable crisis management plan by acknowledging these limitations and assumptions.

Here are some ways to mitigate these limitations:

Scenario Planning

While you cannot predict everything, consider many potential crisis scenarios to address vulnerabilities.

Resource Optimisation

Prioritise resources for critical areas of the plan and explore cost-effective solutions.

Stress Management Training

Train your team on stress management techniques to improve decision-making during a crisis.

Communication Redundancy

Build redundancy in your communication plans to ensure that information flow continues even if some systems are disrupted.

Regular Testing and Updates

Regularly test and update your plan based on lessons learned from exercises and real-world events.

Summing Up ...

By taking these steps, you can create a crisis management program that effectively addresses limitations and assumptions, ultimately making your organization more prepared to navigate any challenge.


Goh, M. H. (2016). A Manager’s Guide to Implement Your Crisis Management Plan. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series (1st ed., p. 192). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd



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