Access and Mark Assignment

Written by Moh Heng Goh | Nov 27, 2021 3:32:01 PM

Welcome back; this is the "Instructor Briefing" or "IB" series you are reading.  This session focus on the "Access and Mark Assignment" by the instructor.

Access and Mark Assignment

Proceed to the module [1] that you are facilitating.   [2] Click the "Upload Assignment" link either in the can click [3] the link for "... Assignment: Download Template and Upload ..." links to download the latest templates.


Access Module and Click "Upload Assignment"


Do note that the students will be uploading their assignments via this link.

Upload Assignment

The participants will use this link [3] to upload their assignments.  The deadline is usually two to three calendar days after the completion of the session.

The Program Admin team will inform you to go back to this link to review the assignment submitted by the participants. 


View Grading Summary

View Participants Submission

Access Participant Assignment


Grade Assignment and Insert Comments