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Module (Day) 2 of CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer [CM-5]

Below is the detailed course curriculum and objective of Module 2 of the CM-5000/CM-300 course.  It details the course content of Module 2 that would be conducted.

Module 2 is online and practice-orientated. As part of your assignment, you will complete an actual crisis risk assessment and crisis strategy development, which will complete the development of the crisis management plan for a specific scenario.


CM-300 [CM-3] participants will attempt the Qualifying Crisis Management Certified Specialist (CMCS) examination upon completing Modules 1 and 2. CM-5000 [CM-5] participants will attempt the Crisis Management Certified Expert (CMCE) examination upon completing the Module 1 to 4 course.

Rose Lam

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CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer Training Roadmap [Module 2]

Learning Roadmap_CM

Description of Module [Day] 2 Course 

BL-CM-5 M2 Course Requirement CM-5000 Module 2 aims to provide the participants with the knowledge to identify and categorise different crises through crisis risk assessment (CRA) techniques.


This forms a foundation of the crisis management process. To enhance the learning experience, participants can work through a crisis risk assessment (CRA) template and present their work in class.

IC_BL-CM-5_Mod2The participant will be shown what a typical business impact analysis report looks like and how the content relates to the crisis management strategy.  Understanding the process of accessing this document from the organisation's BCM team is essential.

Common crisis management strategies (CMS) in response to the various crisis scenarios will be shared with students, and concepts will be reinforced using provided templates, discussions and presentations. 

Module 2 will also provide an overview of the contents of a crisis management plan (CM Plan) and how students can document the plan based on the crisis strategies developed earlier. Various components of the CM plan are discussed, emphasising several essential emergency procedures and SOPs. 


Detailed Course Content

Topic Description

Module 2 Session 1A

Overview of Crisis Management

  • Introduce CM overview: Terminologies and concepts
  • Understand principles, framework and process
  • Compare the CM planning process Vs BCM planning methodology
  • Walkthrough ISO22361 Standard

Module 2 Session 1B

Conduct Crisis  Risk Assessment (CRA)

  • Identify the types of crises related to your organisation
  • Categorise the crisis into its category
  • Identify the treatment for the crisis scenarios

Understand the Purpose of Business Impact Analysis (BIA) [Note that this is not presented but briefly explained by the facilitator]

  • Learn how critical business functions, products and services are analysed and prioritised
  • Understand the retrieval of the BIA report from the BCM team

Module 2 Session 2A

Select Crisis Management Strategy (CMS)

  • Understand types of crisis, business continuity and recovery strategies in response to the various crisis scenarios
  • Execute steps and options for crisis  communication strategy
  • Select the appropriate crisis communication strategy

Module 2 Session 2B

Implement Crisis Management (CM) Plan

  • Walkthrough of the crisis identified during CRA and the crisis management strategies (CMS) developed during Module 2 Session  1
  • Determine major CM plan components and their design
  • Develop CM plan and procedures
  • Identify emergency and crisis responses
  • Understand CM plan content and templates
  • Implement a crisis communications strategy


[BL-HL-CM-3-4-5] Phases Learning Roadmap  CM-300-CM-400-CM-5000 Crisis Management Course Phase


Participants should be able to manage and deploy all the CM templates in their organization.  They are:

  • Crisis Risk Assessment
  • Business Impact Analysis (Preview to content)
  • Crisis Management Strategy
  • Crisis Management Plan

Government Funding


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Malaysians also qualify for HRD Corp funding from the Malaysian government.

Click the icons to find out more about the funding.

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SkillsFuture Singapore Credit Claim [New Initiative starting April 2020] Additional Funding

singapore_flagTo claim SkillsFuture Credit (additional funding for Singaporeans), click the "SkillsFuture Credit Claimable" button to learn more about SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).


More Information About Crisis Management Course

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the  CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer [CM-3] and the CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer [CM-5].

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