BCM Ai Gen_11

Developing Recovery Strategy for Your Business Continuity Plan

This book provides the principles for determining the appropriate strategy for each critical business function. It can be used as a guidebook to walk through the various recovery stages of the entire Business Continuity Strategy process.

The book also includes practical how-to-do-it templates for developing and selecting specific business units and corporate-wide recovery strategies.

Moh Heng Goh

Developing Recovery Strategy for Your Business Continuity Plan

This series of books aims to prepare your organization to survive any unexpected crisis with expected results in continuing business operations. 

New call-to-actionThis book provides the principles for determining the appropriate strategy for each critical business function. It can be used as a guidebook to walk through the various recovery stages of the entire Business Continuity Strategy process.

The book also includes practical how-to-do-it templates for developing and selecting specific business units and corporate-wide recovery strategies.

ISBN: 981-05-0670-8

Published Year: 2005

Developing Recovery Strategy For Your Business Continuity Plan

3D BCM Series Recovery StrategyThis book provides specialist knowledge to Identify cost effective measures to avoid or reduce the risk of disruption (usually at the corporate level).

Review the viability and effectiveness of existing arrangements to continue critical operations during a disruption. Identify and compare alternative strategies.

This book provides the principles for determining the appropriate strategy for each critical business function and a suitable location for each business unit.

It can also be used as a guidebook to walk through the various recovery strategy stages that comprise the entire process.

The content of the book is to accomplish the following:

  • Confirm critical business functions from the BIA report
  • Understand the types of recovery options available in your environment
  • Guide Business Unit (BU) Coordinators to identify the appropriate strategy
  • Identify the proper recovery strategy for each critical function
  • Reconfirm minimum acceptable resources and configuration required for each critical business function
  • Undertake cost-benefit analysis for suitable options. Prepare service level agreement with an alternate party
  • Review the suitability of recovery strategy submissions from BU Coordinators
  • Consolidate recovery strategy submissions
  • Write a recovery strategy report
  • Present the recovery strategy report to management and obtain agreement on the report

It will help you to identify:

  • What does the recovery strategy phase entail?
  • What are the usual pitfalls in the recovery strategy phase?
  • How do we identify and compare recovery strategies?
  • How can a cost-effective recovery strategy for the organization be developed?

Purchase your "Developing Recovery Strategy For Your Business Continuity Plan" copy now.

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