Starting Your Preparation As A Candidate for the BCCS Examination
When you are reading this article, you should be enrolled into the course "ISO 22301 BCMS Implementer" course or course code BCM-300.
You are being led by the BCM Institute's program administration team to start your course preparation by reading the terms as presented in Competency Level 1 (One) Business Continuity or the code is CL 1B and subsequently, the intermediate level, CL 2B.

CL 1B: Foundation BoK 1 to 7
CL 2B: Intermediate BoK 1 to 7
Candidates sitting for the BCCS qualifying examination are strongly advised to be versed with the terminologies found in CL 1B and CL 2B. The detailed terrminology can be found by clicking the CL 1B BoK 1 to 7 and also CL 2B Bok 1 to 7.
In case, you need to know more about "CL" and "BoK", read the links to:
As this course is an intermediate level BCM course leading to the BC Certified Specialist (BCCS) certification, the examination format is 100 multiple choice questions with no deduction for incorrect answers. The duration for either the examination will be two and a half hours from the start of the online exam.
This document is a summary of the terms on Competency Level 2B (which also include CL 2B) of the BCM Body of Knowledge used during the preparation of the Business Continuity Certified Specialist examination.