Business Continuity Management Series

[B-4] What is a BCM-400 ISO22301 BCMS Manager Course?

As we return to normalcy after the COVID-19 outbreak, participants at BCM Institute are asking, "Should I attend the two-day "brick-and-mortar" course [BCM-400] or the blended learning course that stretches for 2 to 4 weeks?"  What are their differences? What should I know before enrolling for the course?  If you prefer to attend this course as part of your upgrading, you can follow it online: our blended learning.

Do note that there is a pre-requisite to complete BCM-300 before proceeding to BCM-400.  Alternatively, you can attend BCM-5000, a combination of BCM-300 and BCM-400.

Dr Lim Yew Ban
Business Continuity Management Certified Planner-Specialist-Expert


Overview of BCM-400 Blended Learning Course

New call-to-actionBCM-400 Blended Learning course, the famous BCM-400 ISO 22301 BCMS Manager two-day course, is now conducted in 2 modules for 2 to 4 weeks. 

Note that this course is Module 3 and Module 4 of the BCM-400 ISO 22301 BCMS Expert Implementer course or BCM-5000 course.

Please be informed that you must complete the BCM-300 BCM Planner course or BL-B-3 before embarking on the BCM-400 course.

This protracted time frame for this blended learning course allows one to understand the concepts taught in digestible bite sizes with targeted online interactions. Care and consideration have been implemented to ensure the content and syllabus meet the same standard and rigour as our onsite classes.

You will be learning the same syllabus taught by the same industry practitioners you would have onsite. The same practitioner will be available to you during the scheduled online classes.

Below is a snapshot of what you can expect from the programme. It is divided into the respective modules, 3 to 4.  Find out each module's syllabus by clicking any of the four [Course Content] buttons.  The content has been carefully crafted to ensure that your participation and outcome match each day of the BCM-5000 ISO 22301 BCMS Expert Implementer competency level.  Click any of the four buttons [Course Requirement] to learn more about your participation and involvement in this course.

The course fee for this course is SGD2 400, to be paid before the class start date.


Module IC_HL-B-5_Module 3


IC_HL-B-5_Module 4


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Course Requirement New call-to-action BL-B-5 M4 Course Requirement BCM-5000

Is there a pre-requisite before joining the BCM-400 course?

[BL-B-3] What is a BCM-300 Blended Learning?Yes. Those who have completed the pre-requisite BCM-300 ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) Implementer course can attend this follow-up course.

BCCE Business Continuity Certified Expert CertificationAfter completing the BCM-400 and passing the (BCCE) online exam, you can apply for the BCCE certificate. 

This is done by sending in an application detailing at least three years of BC experience, making the application processing fee payment of SGD 150 and satisfying and meeting the experience requirements of the independent certification body.

For those who have completed the Blended Learning BCM-400 [BL-B-4] course, this is equivalent to the classroom-based BCM-400 ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) Manager course.

What are the Differences and Concerns?

Concerns: The major problem with blended learning is that it will be another eLearning training over a video channel; the entire process is designed so that the content will provide the same outcome.

Instructors: Note that instructors delivering the modules will remain the same as those providing the onsite training.

International Participation: Another significant change will be the participation of more international delegates compared to the traditional majority of Asian participants.  Be expected to discuss and work as teams from around the world.

Readings: More pre-readings should be expected as the objective is to ensure that knowledge that could be acquired via reading should be done outside the training session.  More time is allocated to share experiences from the participants and facilitators.



Find out more about BCM-300 [B-3] and BCM-5000 [B-5]

More Information About BCM Courses

They are the BCM-300 Business Continuity Management Implementer [B-3] and the BCM-5000 Business Continuity Management Expert Implementer [B-5].

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FAQ [BL-B-3]

Please feel free to send us a note if you have any of these questions.

Email to Sales Team [BCM Institute]

 FAQ BL-B-5 BCM-5000


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