BB BCM Audit Ai Gen 12

Module (Day) 3 of BCM-8530 ISO22301 BCMS Lead Auditor [BL-A-5]

This is the detailed course curriculum of Module (Day) 3 of BCM-8530 ISO22301 BCMS Lead Auditor [BL-A-5].


The participants should understand the key areas and considerations when auditing the BCMS. The participant can develop the audit and compliance strategy by understanding the BCMS framework and requirements aligned to the ISO22301 standards and the audit process.

All participants are required to complete the Qualifying Business Continuity Certified Lead Auditor (BCCLA) Examination.

Steve Sobak

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ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Lead Auditor Training Roadmap [Module 3

Learning Roadmap Audit BCM-8530

Description of Module [Day] 3 Course 

New call-to-actionModule (Day) 3 requires the participants to review an actual BCM program or ISO22301 BC Management System for an organisation. 

With the pre-work, such as the BCM Standardised Audit Program or Audit Checklist already completed in Module 2, the participant will be orientated to the content of the BCMS before the practicum starts.


Detailed Course Content

The participants should understand the key areas and considerations when auditing the BCMS.

The participant can develop the audit and compliance strategy by understanding the BCMS framework and requirements aligned to the ISO22301/ 22313 standards and the audit process [ISO 19001].

This is followed by the implementation of an audit checklist with an audit programme that is aligned with the specific industry and business requirements with

The root causes and impact can be determined after the audit by issuing an audit containing non-conformity, observations, corrective actions, and recommendations for continuous improvement of the organisation's BC management system.

The participant should, at a minimum, attain a basic grasp of business continuity concepts and principles:


[M3-S1] Audit Field Work

  • [L5A-1] Conduct pre-audit or opening meeting
  • [L5A-2] Conduct site audits and collect audit evidence

[M3-S2] Audit Field Work


Session 2 is a practicum module, and we expect the participants to be prepared to present the audit report during class. 

The content of the audit can be based on the live ISO22301 BCMS portal provided, or you may choose to show an actual trial audit of your organisation using the audit template developed in Module 2.

  • [L5B-1] Audit of Organisation [Participants are expected to conduct this trial audit before attending M3-S2]
  • [L5B-2] Conduct BCM Audit Interview [Participant can ask the instructor as to audit interviewee or auditee during M3-S2]
  • [L5B-3] Present Findings of Audit [Participants to present the report to the class]
Competency Level for Module 3 
  • Focus: Audit Project Management, Execute Audit, Identify Root Causes, Issue Report, Finalise Strategic level Conclusion and Corrective Actions


Content Description

You are now transiting to an operational audit of an organisation's ISO22301 BCMS.

This provides a real-life experience of auditing the BCMS's content based on the requirements specified by the ISO22301 standard.

[M3-S1-S2] Conducting Audit Fieldwork

This session introduces the organisation to be audited. It provides the participant experience on an actual and complete ISO22301 BCMS on an electronic platform. The content is used as a case study for this lesson.

The participants are expected to understand the structure of the ISO22301 BCMS documentation and to commence the audit of its content using the “standardised audit program” developed in Module 2 Session 2 [M2-S2].

This audit exercise using the Case Study (BCMS Portal) is the culmination of the BCM-8530 course, where students are required to put all their learning and development of the standardised audit program template from the past two modules [M1 & M2] into practice by applying it to the audit of the ISO22301 BCMS documentation in a realistic setting.

Phases Learning Roadmap BCM-200-8050-8530 Learning Roadmap


  • Able to conduct audit fieldwork on an organisation
  • Able to conduct a BCM audit interview and present findings of the audit


Course Content for BL-A-5
BL-A-5 M1 Audit Course Content BCM-8530 BC-8030 BCM-200 New call-to-action New call-to-action New call-to-action

More Information About Blended Learning Auditing BCMS Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of BCM auditing courses: BL-A-3 Blended Learning BCM-8030 ISO22301 BCMS Auditor and the BL-A-5 Blended Learning ISO22301 BCMS Lead Auditor.

New call-to-action TMM [BL-A-5] Register [BL-A-5]
New call-to-action Tell Me More About BCM- 8030 New Call-to-action

New call-to-action BCCLA Business Continuity Certified Lead Auditor Certification (Size 75) Please feel free to send us a note if you have any questions.Email to Sales Team [BCM Institute] BCCA Business Continuity Certified Auditor Certification (Size 75) FAQ for BL-A-3

SSG Funded Program

Singaporean and Singapore permanent residents who are eligible for SkillsFuture Singapore or SSG funding. Click the button to find out more.

FAQ_SSG Funding BCM-8530

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