BB Audit Ai Gen 3

[A-5] What is a BCM-8530 ISO 22301 BCMS Lead Auditor Course?

This auditing of BCM course has been offered online for the last three years. It has become more comprehensive than the traditional brick-and-mortar onsite course due to the comprehensive pre-course work and readings, which allow workshops for learning among classmates and the many facilitators.  However, some prefer to be onsite and take the course with a face-to-face facilitator and fellow participants.

You are now viewing an advanced-level BCM auditor course that requires you to be grounded in BCM fundamentals before proceeding to understand the audit concepts (as a financial, IT, or ISO auditor). Finally, you will be expected to audit a live site, not a case study.

Moh Heng Goh

TMM [BL-A-5]

Click to learn more about BCM-8530.

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IR_Bann_BCM-8530_What you should know about BCM-8530

Overview of BCM-8530 ISO 22301 BCMS Lead Auditor Course [A-5]

BCM-8530_Handbook_Cover_3D-2BCM Lead Auditor Landing PageThe ISO 22301 BCMS Lead Auditor blended learning, or 100% online course, is the most advanced level of business continuity management audit training for ISO certification, financial, IT internal and external auditors.

This comprehensive course is equivalent to the international certification of an ISO22301 BCMS Auditor. It applies to regulatory requirements and depends on the participants' host country.

As we return to normal after COVID-19, it is now also offered as "Hybrid Learning", a combination of online (50%) and face-to-face interaction or 50% onsite, allowing busy and interested auditors to study with minimal schedule disruption.

This course is NOT a four-day, hour-by-hour direct conversion course from its brick-and-mortar version but revamped with several guiding principles.

  • Complete the course by developing the relevant toolkits for the entire auditing process.
  • Built with BCM knowledge, followed by the integration of BCM auditing concepts.
  • Attend the remote e-proctored examination while maintaining its integrity. 
  • Provide participants with downloadable handbooks and the latest audit program based on the latest ISO22301 update.
  • Access to additional audit readings for those who are already experienced
  • Facilitated by experienced IT/Financial and ISO22301 BCMS auditors
  • Able to conduct the audit via an electronic platform without travelling to another country or state.
BCMS Audit Do You Need to be IRCA Certified?Why may IRCA certification be helpful or not?

If you are already ISO-certified or an IRCA-certified auditor with another ISO standard, this would be an excellent course to attend as it focuses on the depth of a typical BCMS audit, which can only be developed from a BCM perspective.   

One challenge is maintaining your IRCA certification, as you have to demonstrate that you have completed several ISO22301 external audits before being re-certified.

BCCP Business Continuity Certified Planner Certification (Size 50)To recognise the knowledge acquired from the BCM, you will be awarded the Business Continuity Certified Planner certification.

Here is a quick overview of the course, divided into modules 1 to 4. Module 1 to 4 and their relationship to the 300-400-5000 level courses are explained.

Phases Learning Roadmap BCM-200-8050-8530 Learning Roadmap

The conduct of each module is described with the corresponding on-site learning outcome.

Course Content & Course Requirement

[BL-A] [5] BCM-8530 Course ScheduleBelow is a snapshot of what you can expect from the program. Each module's syllabus has been carefully crafted to ensure that the outcome matches each day of the BCM-8530 ISO 22301 BCMS Lead Auditor competency level.  

Click the "Course Content" icon to learn more about each module's content (syllabus).  Click the "Course Requirement" icon to determine what you can expect as participants for each module.


Module (Day) Course Content Course Requirement
IC_BL-A-5_Module1 BL-A-5 M1 Audit Course Content BCM-8530 BC-8030 BCM-200 BL-A-5 M1 Audit Course Requirement BCM-8530 BC-8030 BCM-200
IC_BL-A-5_Module2 New call-to-action New call-to-action
IC_BL-A-5_Module3 New call-to-action New call-to-action
IC_BL-A-5_Module4 New call-to-action New call-to-action

Breakdown of the Time Spent

Module Mode of Study Flexible (Hours) Mandatory & Fixed Timing (Hours)
IC_BL-A-5_Module1 E-learning/ Self Study-Pace 8 -
IC_BL-A-5_Module 2_Updated

Facilitated Online Workshop

  • 3 hours of self-study and pre-preparatory work  for the assignment
  • 6 Hours Schedule Online Classes
3 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
Total Hours

Blended Learning [BL] 0r 100% Online

Module 1 and 2 

Note that participants attending Hybrid Learning [HL] will attend the same BL Module 1 and Module 2

11 6
Module 3 and 4 Can Be Offered at Blended Learning (Online) or Hybrid Learning (Onsite)
IC_BL-A-5_Module 3_Updated [BL] Web Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Self Study + 3-Hour Schedule Online Classes) Two sessions 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
IC_BL-A-5_Module4 [BL] Web Training and Discussion Workshop (2 Hours Self Study + 2 Hours Schedule Online Classes) Two sessions 6 (3-hour x 2 separate sessions)
Total  Hours

Blended Learning [BL] 100% Online

Modules 3 and 4

Four 3-hour sessions 18
IC_HL-A-5_Module 3 [HL] Onsite face-to-face Workshop 1-day onsite 8
IC_HL-A-5_Module 4 [HL] Onsite face-to-face Workshop 1-day onsite 8
Total Hours

Hybrid Learning [HL] Onsite

Day 3 and Day 4 

2-day onsite 16
BCCLA Business Continuity Certified Lead Auditor Certification

BCCLA Qualifying Examination for Business Continuity Certified Lead Auditor  (after A-5 course)

- 3 and 1/2 hour
BCCA Business Continuity Certified Auditor Certification

BCCA Qualifying Examination for Business Continuity Certified Auditor (after A-3 course)

- 2 and 1/2 hour

What are the Differences and Concerns?

Hybrid vs Blended Learning AuditThe primary concern with blended learning (100% online) is that it will be another E-Learning training over a video channel.  Note that Module 1 is to ground your knowledge on business continuity management, and Module 2 will be to understand how to audit a BCM program or an ISO 22301 BCM System.

if the course is "Hybrid Learning" or 50% online and 50% On-site, subject to it being organised in a country.

The entire process is designed such that the content will provide the same outcome with pre-readings provided before the class, preparation of assignments supported by detailed guidance notes, eLearning for learning of fundamentals, and the online "face-to-face" is for sharing and elaboration by experienced facilitators.

Instructors: Note that instructors delivering the modules will remain the same as those providing the onsite training.  They have at least 5 to 30 years of BCM and audit-related experience.

International Participation: Another significant change will be the participation of more international delegates compared to the traditional majority of Asian participants. Participants will be expected to discuss and work as teams worldwide.

Readings: More pre-readings should be expected, as the objective is to ensure that knowledge that could be acquired via reading is done outside the training session. More time is allocated to sharing experiences with the participants and facilitators.

Live Audit: Despite being virtual, there is a balance between knowledge-based acquisition activities, presentations, discussions, exercises and case studies. About two-thirds of the time is spent on activity-based learning. A live audit will be conducted. 

Course Schedule

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BCM Audit Course Calendar

Learn more about the four "RUNs" for the year

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Blended Learning [BL] is entirely online RUN 1 is quarter 1 of the year, i.e. January to March. Hybrid Learning [HL] is Modules 1 and 2 online and Modules 3 and 4 onsite.

More Information About Blended Learning Auditing BCMS Courses

BCM Institute offers two levels of BCM auditing courses: A-3 BCM-8030 ISO22301 BCMS Auditor [A-3] and the ISO22301 BCMS Lead Auditor [A-5].

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New call-to-action BCCLA Business Continuity Certified Lead Auditor Certification (Size 75) Please feel free to send us a note if you have any questions.Email to Sales Team [BCM Institute] BCCA Business Continuity Certified Auditor Certification (Size 75) FAQ for BL-A-3

Government Funding

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The section applied to Singaporeans and permanent residents eligible for SkillsFuture Singapore funding.

Malaysians also qualify for HRD Corp funding from the Malaysian government.

Click the icons to find out more about the funding.

MalaysiaEstimated Course Fees_HRDCorpNew call-to-action


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SkillsFuture Singapore Credit Claim [New Initiative starting April 2020] Additional Funding

singapore_flagTo claim SkillsFuture Credit (additional funding for Singaporeans), click the "SkillsFuture Credit Claimable" button to learn more about SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).


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