Business Continuity Management | BCM

PgM 1: Overview of Program Management

Written by Moh Heng Goh | Mar 29, 2021 3:13:21 PM

Program Management in the BCM Process

You will have completed most of the phases at this phase, enabling you to identify all the resources required to operate the critical business processes. This information will help you determine the best strategy to speedily and efficiently recover your business during a crisis.

At this stage, the process establishes an ongoing system to ensure the validity of the recovery strategy, the documented recovery procedures and ultimately, the recoverability of the business units.

Why Read These Blogs (Book)?

The objective in this phase is to provide specialist knowledge with the aim of:

  • Establish a corporate-wide BCM program
  • Develop continuous training and ongoing BCM awareness
  • Conduct continuous testing and exercise or proper change management process
  • Raise the BCM maturity level with advanced exercises
  • Review, monitor and audit the BCM Program
  • Benchmark against international guidelines and standards
  • Instill BC mindset and culture amongst stakeholders

This book provides the principles to formulate a mechanism to keep the completed business continuity (BC) plan current.

What Are You Expected to Learnt?

You will learn how to:
  • Establish and sustain a corporate-wide BCM Program
  • Understand and monitor BCM drivers
  • Obtain annual endorsement from BCM Steering Committee
  • Enhance BCM methodology
  • Review the comprehensiveness of existing policies
  • Update threats, risk and business impact assessment
  • Review strategies to enhance flexibility and cost-effectiveness
  • Promote ongoing BCM training and awareness
  • Instil BC mindset and business resiliency culture in employees, management and shareholders
  • Upgrade program maturity with advanced tests and exercises

Questions Addressed in the Series

The following questions will be addressed:
  • What does the Program Management phase entail?
  • What are the significant components of Program Management?
  • How is the maintenance process conducted?
  • What should be the content of the training and awareness program?
  • How do we execute training and awareness programs?
  • How to manage BC program management?
  • What should the BC governance structure/model entail for effective program maintenance?
  • How do we permeate BC's mindset and culture throughout the organization?


Goh, M. H. (2021). Managing & Sustaining Your Business Continuity Management Program. Business Continuity Management Planning Series (3rd ed.). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.

Extracted from "Chapter 1: Overview"




More Information About BCM-5000 [B-5] or BCM-300 [B-3]

BCM-300 Business Continuity Management Implementer [B-3] course and the BCM-5000 Business Continuity Management Expert Implementer [B-5] course.

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