Operational Resilience

[OR] [Exam] Attempting the ORCP Examination

Written by Suhana Sunreh | Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM

Instructions to Candidate Attending Operational Resilience Planner Course OR-200 Attempting the ORCP Examination

Candidates sitting for the ORCP qualifying examination are strongly advised to be versed with the terminologies found in CL 1 OR.


Read CL 1 OR

When attempting the Operational Resilience Auditor or OR-200 examination, you can view Competency Level 1 for the OR Body of Knowledge [OR BoK 1 to 3] as part of your preparation for the examination.


Examination Course You Should Review Competency Level Certification
50 Questions

One and a half hours

75% passing mark

Learn more about OR-300 [OR-3], ORA-300 [ORA-3], OR-5000 [OR-5] and ORA-5000 [ORA-5]

To learn more about the course, click the buttons below.

If you have any questions, click to contact us.