CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer Training Roadmap [Module ] [Day] 4
Description of Module [Day] 4 Course
The Module or Day 4 helps participants understand the key elements for training and awareness, identify the types of audience and their training needs, establish functional and awareness training requirements and develop corporate awareness and training methodologies and programs.
This module reviews the overall CM framework and defines the structure, event flow, roles, and responsibilities.
It creates a shared understanding of the definition of crisis management and emergency management and addresses testing and exercising crisis management functionalities and CM awareness campaigns.
This module introduces integrated exercises as an advanced testing tool to the student.
It discusses key test objectives and examples of how integrated tests might be conducted to achieve a higher level of resiliency in the organisation. It also describes simulation exercises and how they differ from other tests and exercises.
This course segment will share tips on designing simulation exercises and how these tests can be assessed. A simple template will be used in this segment to help students understand the process of simulation test design.
Detailed Course Content
Topic |
Description |
[BL] Module 4 Session 1 - [HL] Morning Session |
Maintain Training and Awareness |
- Understand the key elements for training and awareness
- Identify the types of audience and their training needs
- Establish functional and awareness training requirements
- Develop corporate awareness and training methodologies and programs
Review CM Programme |
- Define the CM framework
- State the CM structure, flow of events, roles and responsibilities
- Create a shared understanding of crisis management, emergencies, definitions
- and classifications
- Test and validate the CM functionalities
- Conduct CM awareness campaigns, internal & external to the organization
Conduct Advanced Level Testing and Exercising |
- Identify the types of CM exercises to be conducted
- Understand the CM exercise process
- Develop the CM test and exercise schedule
Design Exercise and Test Profile |
- Understand the key elements for training and awareness
- Identify the types of audience and their training needs
- Establish functional and awareness training requirements
- Develop corporate awareness and training methodologies and programs
[BL] Module 4 Session 2 - [HL] Afternoon Session |
Design and Develop Integrated Exercise
- Identify and define the integrated test
- Understand the test process
- Develop test
Design and Develop Simulation Exercise |
- Identify and define the simulation exercise
- Understand the test process
- Prepare and develop a crisis simulation exercise
- Able to apply the knowledge to actual CM implementation and develop crisis simulation exercises.
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SkillsFuture Credit Claim [New Initiative starting April 2020]
To claim SkillsFuture Credit (additional funding for Singaporeans), click the "SkillsFuture Credit Claimable" button to learn more about SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).
CM Expert Certification
The Crisis Management Certified Expert (CMCE) Certification will be awarded to the participants:
- who completed and passed the Qualifying CMCE examination attached to the course,
- sent in an application detailing at least three years of BC experience,
- made the application processing fee payment of SGD 150 and satisfied and met the experience requirements of the independent certification body.
Find out more about Blended Learning [BL] or Hybrid Learning [HL] for CM-5000 and CM-300
Please feel free to send us a note if you have any of these questions.