Crisis Communication | CC

[CC] [PM] Testing and Exercising - Sharpening Your Sword

Written by Moh Heng Goh | Jul 19, 2024 7:43:02 AM

Phase 6: CC Testing and Exercising

Sharpening Your Sword

A well-crafted crisis communication plan is a valuable asset, but its true worth lies in its effectiveness during a real-world crisis. This chapter explores Phase 6 of the "Seven Phases of Crisis Communication Planning Methodology": Crisis Communication Testing and Exercising.

Here, we will guide you through the importance of testing your plan and training your team to ensure they are prepared to execute it effectively under pressure.

What Exactly is CC Testing and Exercising?


Crisis Communication Testing and Exercising involves putting your crisis communication plan to the test through simulations and exercises. This helps identify weaknesses, refine communication strategies, and build team cohesion.

Different testing methods exist, from tabletop exercises (simulated discussions) to full-scale exercises mimicking real crises. Regular testing with debriefing sessions ensures your plan stays effective and your team is prepared to execute it during a real crisis.


Why CC Testing and Exercising Matter?

A crisis can be a stressful and chaotic situation. Testing your crisis communication plan in a controlled environment helps identify potential weaknesses and areas for improvement before a real crisis strikes. Here are some key benefits of testing and exercising your plan:

  • Identify Gaps and Weaknesses. Simulating a crisis scenario can reveal gaps in your plan, unclear communication protocols, or resource limitations.
  • Refine Communication Strategies. Testing allows you to refine your communication strategies for different scenarios and target audiences.
  • Build Team Cohesion. Exercising your plan together strengthens communication and collaboration within your crisis communication team.
  • Identify Training Needs. The testing process can help identify areas where your team needs additional training to execute the plan effectively.
  • Boost Confidence. Successfully navigating a simulated crisis scenario can boost your team's confidence and preparedness for a real-world event.

Types of CC Testing and Exercises

There are various ways to test and exercise your crisis communication plan. Here are some common approaches:

  • Tabletop Exercises. These involve simulating a crisis scenario in a meeting room setting. Based on the scenario, team members discuss their roles, responsibilities, and communication actions.
  • Functional Exercises. These exercises involve testing specific plan components, such as activating your emergency notification system or practising media interviews.
  • Full-Scale Exercises. These comprehensive exercises simulate a real-world crisis as closely as possible. They involve all relevant teams and departments, mimicking the chaos and pressure of an actual event.

The type of testing you choose will depend on the resources available, the complexity of your plan, and the desired level of detail.

Developing a Testing and Exercise Program

To ensure ongoing preparedness, establish a regular testing and exercise program. Here is how:

  • Schedule Regular Testing. Plan to test your crisis communication plan at least annually or more frequently if your organization is susceptible to specific crisis scenarios.
  • Vary Scenarios. Don't limit testing to your most likely threats. Include a variety of crisis scenarios to ensure your team is prepared for the unexpected.
  • Debrief and Refine. After each test or exercise, conduct a thorough debriefing session. Identify areas for improvement, refine your plan accordingly, and document lessons learned.
  • Integrate with Training. Use test results to inform your crisis communication team training program. Address any skill gaps or knowledge deficiencies identified during testing.

Regularly testing and exercising your crisis communication plan can transform it from a theoretical document into a practical tool for navigating any crisis. This chapter has emphasized the importance of testing to identify weaknesses, refine communication strategies, and build team cohesion. With a well-tested plan and a confident, well-trained team, your organization will be better prepared to weather any storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Summing Up ...

A well-crafted crisis communication plan is only as valuable as its effectiveness under pressure. This chapter, focusing on Phase 6: CC Testing and Exercising, has emphasized the importance of putting your plan to the test and training your team for real-world scenarios.

By simulating crises through various testing methods, you can identify potential weaknesses, refine communication strategies, and build team cohesion. Testing also helps pinpoint areas where your team requires additional training, boosting their confidence and preparedness for a real crisis.

With a well-tested plan and a confident, well-trained team, your organization is better equipped to weather any storm. However, crisis communication is an ongoing process. The next chapter, Phase 7: Crisis Communication Program Management, explores the importance of keeping your plan current and ensuring its ongoing effectiveness through regular review and updates.


More Information About CC-5000 [CC-5] or CC-300 [CC-3]

CC-300 Crisis Communication Implementer [CC-3] course and the CC-5 or CC-5000 Crisis Communication Expert Implementer [CC-5] course.

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