Crisis Communication | CC

[CC] [PM] Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment - Identifying Your Battles

Written by Moh Heng Goh | Jul 19, 2024 6:05:40 AM

 Phase 2: Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment

Identifying Your Battles

No organization is immune to crisis. The key to effective crisis communication lies in

preparation. A clear understanding of potential threats allows you to develop targeted communication strategies proactively.

This chapter explores Phase 2 of the "Seven Phases of Crisis Communication Planning Methodology": Crisis Communication Scenario Risk Assessment.

What Exactly is Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment?

Crisis Scenario Risk Assessment identifies potential crisis scenarios that could threaten your organization and then analyses each scenario's likelihood and possible impact. This analysis helps prioritize threats and lays the foundation for developing targeted communication strategies to minimize damage during a crisis.

Here, we'll guide you through identifying potential crisis scenarios relevant to your organization and assessing their likelihood and potential impact.

Brainstorming Potential Crisis Scenarios

The first step is to brainstorm a comprehensive list of potential crisis scenarios your organization could face. Consider these factors:

  • Industry-Specific Threats. Identify threats specific to your industry (e.g., manufacturer product recalls and data breaches for financial institutions).
  • External Factors. Consider potential disruptions from external sources (e.g., natural disasters, economic downturns, social unrest).
  • Internal Weaknesses. Identify potential organisational vulnerabilities (e.g., workplace safety incidents, employee misconduct, security breaches).
  • Past Incidents. Learn from past incidents within your organization and in your industry to identify potential future risks.

Encourage open and creative thinking during this brainstorming session. The goal is to create a comprehensive list, even if some scenarios seem unlikely.

Likelihood and Impact Analysis

Once you have a list of potential scenarios, assessing their likelihood and possible impact on your organization is crucial. Here's a two-pronged approach:

Likelihood Assessment

Evaluate the probability of each scenario occurring. Consider factors such as historical data, industry trends, and current events. Use a scale (e.g., high, medium, low) to categorize the likelihood of each scenario.

Impact Assessment

Analyze the potential consequences of each scenario on your organization. Consider the impact on various aspects like:

  • Financial Losses. Potential revenue loss, operational disruptions, and legal costs.
  • Reputational Damage. Negative media coverage, public distrust, and brand erosion.
  • Employee Morale. Anxiety, stress, decreased productivity.
  • Operational Disruption. Supply chain disruptions, business closures, IT outages.

Use a scoring system (e.g., high, medium, low) to categorize each scenario's potential impact.

Risk Matrix

Combining the likelihood and impact assessments can create a risk matrix. This visual tool helps prioritize crisis scenarios based on their severity. Scenarios with a high likelihood and high impact require the most immediate attention in your crisis communication planning efforts.

You gain valuable insights into your organization's vulnerabilities by systematically identifying and assessing potential crisis scenarios. This knowledge empowers you to develop targeted communication strategies to minimize damage and protect your reputation during a crisis.

Summing Up ...

The road to effective crisis communication begins with understanding the potential battles you might face. This chapter, focusing on Phase 2: Crisis Communication Scenario Risk Assessment, has equipped you with the tools to identify and analyze potential threats. You've developed a comprehensive list of crisis scenarios specific to your organization through brainstorming.

By assessing each scenario's likelihood and potential impact, you've created a risk matrix that prioritizes threats based on severity. This knowledge empowers you to allocate resources and develop targeted communication strategies for critical scenarios.

The next chapter, Phase 3: Business Impact Analysis, takes a deeper dive to examine the specific consequences of each crisis on your organization's core functions. This analysis will be instrumental in crafting a robust communication plan that ensures business continuity and protects your reputation during any crisis.


More Information About CC-5000 [CC-5] or CC-300 [CC-3]

CC-300 Crisis Communication Implementer [CC-3] course and the CC-5 or CC-5000 Crisis Communication Expert Implementer [CC-5] course.

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