Blended Learning Crisis Communication

[BL-CC-3] Module (Day) 2 of CC-300 Crisis Communication  Implementer [BL-CC-5]

Written by Rose Lam | Apr 16, 2020 8:54:50 AM

CC-5000 Crisis Communication Expert Implementer Training Roadmap [Module 2]

Description of Module [Day] 2 Course 

Module 2 aims to provide the participants with the knowledge to identify and categorise different crises through crisis risk assessment (CRA) techniques. This forms a foundation of the crisis management and communication process.

To enhance the learning experience, participants can work through a crisis risk assessment template and present their work in class.

Common crisis communication strategies (CCS) will be shared with participants, and concepts will be reinforced using provided templates, discussions and presentations. 

Module 2 will also provide an overview of the contents of a crisis communication plan and how students can document the plan based on the crisis strategies developed earlier. Various components of the CC plan are discussed, with emphasis on several key emergency procedures and SOPs. 


Detailed Course Content

Topic Description

Session 1

Conduct Crisis Risk Assessment (CRA)

  • Identify the types of crises (scenarios) related to your organisation
  • Categorise the crisis into its category
  • Identify the treatment for the crisis scenarios
  • Relate to ISO 31000 Risk Management

Understand the Purpose of Business Impact Analysis

  • Learn how critical business functions, products and services are analysed and prioritised
  • Understand the retrieval of the BIA report from the BCM team

Session 2

Identify and Select a Crisis Communication Strategy (CCS)

  • Understand types of crisis, business continuity and recovery strategies in response to the various crisis scenarios
  • Execute steps and options for crisis  communication strategy
  • Select the appropriate CC strategy

Implement a Crisis Communication Plan (CC Plan)

  • Determine major CC plan components and their design
  • Develop CC plan and procedures
  • Identify emergency and crisis responses
  • Understand CC plan content and templates
  • Implement a crisis communications strategy

Exercise and Test CC Plan

  • Categorize basic and advanced level tests
  • Implement notification tests and tabletop exercises
  • Execute CC team-level exercises
  • Develop test plan, scenario and evaluation criteria
  • Relate to ISO 22398 Societal Security - Guidelines for Exercises


Participants should be able to manage and deploy all the CC templates in their organization. They are:

  • Crisis Risk Assessment
  • Business Impact Analysis (Preview to content)
  • Crisis Communication Strategy
  • Crisis Communication Plan
  • Testing and Exercising (Review of templates)

More Information About Crisis Communication Courses

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the  CC-300 Crisis Communication Implementer [CC-3] and the CC-5000 Crisis Communication Expert Implementer [CC-5].

Please feel free to send us a note if you have any questions.