ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) Lead Auditor Training Roadmap [Module 1]
Description of Module [Day] 1 Course
You will be introduced to the ISO 22301: Societal Security – Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) Requirement, the de facto international standard for BCM.
This lesson walks the participant through the ten key specifications to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a documented management system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.
To enable our participants to understand the implementation clearly, it is re-designed into its logical step-by-step implementation process. This is the BCM planning methodology which consists of seven steps.
Module (Day) 1 also defines business continuity management (BCM) and provides the participant with a contextual overview of the scope of BCM in different operating environments. Key concepts are explained with examples to illustrate. The value of BCM in today’s organisations and critical success factors are highlighted for building resilient organisations.
Detailed Course Content
Lesson & Topic |
Description |
Lesson 1: Overview of BCM
Introduction to BCM
- Understand basic BCM Concepts and terminologies
- Align BCM initiatives
- Identify the key success factors and benefits of BCM
Introduction to ISO22301 BCMS Standard
- Background to ISO22301 and mapping of ISO22301 to the BCM Planning Process
- Introduction to BCM Programme Element and Plan-DO-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle
Fundamentals of BCM Planning Methodology
- Identify the phases in BCM Planning Methodology
- Explanation of each phase
Lesson 2: Project Management
- Understand the requirements of the project management phase
- Identify the BCM planning methodology, framework and components
- Understand the importance of leadership and management commitment
- State the roles and responsibilities within the BCM organisation
Lesson 3: Risk Analysis and Review |
- Understand risk management terminologies referring to ISO 31000
- Identify and determine threats and risk
- Understand and implement ISO 22301 context of the organisation
Lesson 4: Business Impact Analysis |
- Identify critical business functions and prioritise activities
- Determine prioritised activities and quantify the impact of the outage
- Identify minimum resources and tolerable downtime
Lesson 5: Business Continuity Strategy |
- Understand the purpose of strategy development
- Identify alternate processing capability
- Develop a strategy for units and corporate level
Lesson 6: Plan Development |
- Identify emergency responses
- Determine major BC plan components and their design
Lesson 7: Testing and Exercising |
- Develop test plan, scenario and evaluation criteria
- Determine exercise requirements and program
Lesson 8: Program Management |
- Understand the concepts and processes involved in the Program Management phase
- Understand the processes involved in BC plan maintenance and document management
- Understand the additional requirement needed, should an organisation pursue its ISO 22301 certification.
- Understand how tests, exercises and training are conducted in the BC process
- Understand the Review Audit and performance evaluation process
- Be competent in ISO22301 and the fundamentals of BCM
If you are still contemplating attending the BCM-8530 course, read "Am I Ready to Attend the BCMS ISO 22301 Lead Auditor [BCM-8530] Course?"
Course Content for BL-A-5 |
More Information About Blended Learning Auditing BCMS Courses
BCM Institute offers two levels of BCM auditing courses BL-A-3 Blended Learning BCM-8030 ISO22301 BCMS Auditor and the BL-A-5 Blended Learning ISO22301 BCMS Lead Auditor.
Please feel free to send us a note if you have any questions.
SSG Funded Program
Singaporean and Singapore permanent residents who are eligible for SkillsFuture Singapore or SSG funding. Click the button to find out more.