A key element in developing a sustainable BCM mindset and culture within an organization is the preparation and delivery of a program to create corporate awareness and enhance the skills, knowledge and experience required to implement, maintain and execute the BC project and program.
The organization is only as strong as its weakest link. Staff members, without proper BCM training and awareness, will doom an otherwise “looks good on paper” BC Plan to failure. This is particularly true for time-sensitive industries which are heavily reliant on the use of technology.
According to the study by IDC, the average hourly effect of web site downtime translates into US$6.4 million for retail brokerage and US$2.6 million for credit cards sales authorization. Similar online industries would include home shopping channels, airline reservations centers and package shipping services. These sites typically lose more than US$1 million annually due to downtime.
The lesson here is that in a fast paced world where online transaction is the norm rather than the exception; there is a need to prepare not only the IT systems, but the staff members with the necessary BCM skills and knowledge to recover critical business functions. Failure to do so will hurt the profit margins, and even jeopardize the survival of businesses.
In certain industries, for instance banking, organizations have to meet stringent regulations and legal obligations even though they have been struck by disasters. Hence the very foundation of an awareness and training program should be based upon due diligence in meeting legislated requirements, organizational policies and business goals. Failure to do so will result in the revoking of the business license, unless special leeway is provided for the organization by the regulator.
The objectives of the training and awareness are to:
The tasks for this phase are:
These are the deliverables:
Goh, M. H. (2021). Managing & Sustaining Your Business Continuity Management Program. Business Continuity Management Planning Series (3rd ed.). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.
Extracted from "Chapter 7: What is Training & Awareness?"
To know more about our blended learning program and when the next course is scheduled, feel free to contact our friendly course consultant colleagues via sales.ap@bcm-institute.org. They are the BL-B-3 Blended Learning BCM-300 ISO22301 BCMS Implementer and the BL-B-5 Blended Learning BCM-5000 ISO22301 BCMS Expert Implementer.
Please feel free to send us a note if you have any of these questions to sales.ap@bcm-institute.org |