Business Unit BCM Coordinator
Business Unit BCM Coordinators are responsible for business unit BCM maintenance, exercising and operation. They are required to ensure the ongoing currency of the elements of the Business Unit BC Plan for which they are responsible, including that refresher and succession training is to be provided to all that have roles and responsibilities within the BC plans.
The Business Unit BCM Coordinator is responsible to:
Specific Roles and Responsibilities
Business Impact Analysis
- Identify the critical business functions for their respective business units, and determining appropriate recovery strategies and procedures these critical functions may be recovered
Business Continuity Strategy
Plan Development
Testing and Exercising
- Conduct the business unit’s tests and exercises as per approved Test and Exercise Schedule
- Summarize the Test and Exercise results for BU head approval
Programme Management
- Update and maintain the BU plan constantly to reflect changed conditions in the business.
- Record the nonconforming product/services for the process owner to carry out preventive and corrective actions.
- Implement preventive and corrective actions.
- Monitor and record the performance.
- Implement actions to evaluate BC procedures.
Find out more about Blended Learning BCM-300 [BL-B-3] & BCM-5000 [BL-B-5]
Singapore Government Funding for BCM-5000 Course
The next section applied to Singaporean and Singapore perman
ent residents. Click button "Government Funding Available" to find out more about the funding that is available from the Singapore government. This include the CITREP+, SkillsFuture Credit and UTAP.