The article highlights the missed opportunities when BCP and ESG teams work independently. For instance, an ESG concern, climate change, can lead to disruptions requiring a well-defined BCP.
This is the summary of the last of the four summary points "Internal Coordination" presented by the speaker during the recent Meet-the-Webinar on 21 March 2024.
Effective communication and collaboration between these teams ensure a holistic view of risks and allow for developing comprehensive strategies that address operational continuity and environmental/ social considerations.
By fostering internal coordination, organisations can unlock the true potential of BCP and ESG, building resilience and sustainability in their operations.
Building a resilient and sustainable organization requires a two-pronged approach:
While the ideal structure for managing these initiatives may vary depending on the organisation, one thing remains constant – effective internal coordination is paramount.
Traditionally, BCP often falls under the purview of operations, which is focused on ensuring business continuity during disruptions.
ESG, on the other hand, might reside within Corporate Planning, addressing environmental and social responsibility goals.
However, this siloed approach hinders a holistic view of potential risks and opportunities.
Consider climate change: an ESG challenge with significant business continuity implications.
Rising sea levels or extreme weather events can disrupt supply chains and infrastructure, necessitating a well-defined BCP.
Organisations may miss crucial connections without collaboration between these teams and fail to prepare for such scenarios adequately.
Here is how fostering internal coordination can benefit both BCP and ESG:
BCP and ESG teams can conduct comprehensive risk assessments by working together to consider traditional operational disruptions and environmental/social threats.
This allows for a more holistic understanding of potential risks and their impact.
ESG insights can inform BCP strategies. For example, understanding environmental regulations can help develop plans for sustainable waste disposal during disruptions.
BCP plans can be leveraged to enhance ESG efforts. For instance, incorporating energy-efficient backup systems into BCP strengthens the organisation's commitment to environmental sustainability.
Regular communication between BCP and ESG teams is crucial for information sharing and collaborative planning.
Establish cross-functional teams with representatives from both BCP and ESG to ensure a holistic approach to risk management and planning.
Executive buy-in is essential for fostering a culture of collaboration and ensuring BCP and ESG initiatives are prioritised.
By breaking down silos and fostering internal coordination, organizations can unlock the true potential of BCP and ESG, building a future that is not only resilient but also environmentally and socially responsible.
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