BCM Planning Methodology

Develop the Plan [1]: What Encompass Plan Development?

Written by Moh Heng Goh | Feb 13, 2019 8:56:46 AM


Plan development is the phase in the BCM Planning Methodology following Business Continuity (BC) strategy or Crisis Strategy for Crisis Management (CM) and Crisis Communication (CC) development.

Introduction to Plan Development

What is the difference between a strategy and a plan? Broadly speaking, a strategy is a general plan intended to achieve a goal and the means (also known as resources) by which to achieve it. A plan, on the other hand, focuses on laying out the details in a comprehensive and coherent manner.

This article focuses on planning, assuming that a strategy already exists. there are three levels of planning:

  1. Implementation plans
  2. Procedure development
  3. Plan writing
Click above to review the three-level of planning for plan development.
Meanwhile. if you need to know more about business continuity (BC), crisis management (CM) and crisis communication (CC), click the buttons below.