Operational Resilience

Operational Resilience Planning Methodology

Written by Moh Heng Goh | Jul 8, 2022 3:14:33 PM

Operational Resilience Planning Methodology

What should organisations think of before they start their operational resilience journey?  What are the key components of implementing the OR initiative? Once it is implemented, how can the OR initiatives be supported and sustained for the long run?

Operational Resilience is a new discipline for any organisation, especially in the recent year for financial services institutions (FSI).  The global regulatory requirement is shifting rapidly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain disruptions.  The regulators have directed all organisations to start their operational resilience initiatives.  The challenge is that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ OR solution.

This "Plan-Implement-Sustain" approach is the start of your OR implementation.  The organisation will need to make some key decisions and trade-offs.

This OR roadmap and strategy will provide structure to help organisations make those important OR decisions. If you need to know more about the technical terms, click the BCMPedia icon to learn more.

To find out more about the three individual components of the roadmap, proceed to click the respective "Plan" and "Implement" or "Sustain" buttons.


OR Planning Methodology Phases

Plan Implement Sustain  

More Information About Blended Learning OR-5000 [OR-5] or OR-300 [OR-3]

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the OR-3 Blended Learning OR-300 Operational Resilience Implementer course and the OR-5 Blended Learning OR-5000 Operational Resilience Expert Implementer course.

If you have any questions, click to contact us.