Goh, M. H. (2016). A Manager's Guide to Implementing Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series (2nd ed.). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.
Extracted from "Major Components of the RFP Document"
Thus, consider carefully what you want for your DR services with the corresponding evaluation criteria for the expected resources when you list the clauses on requirements in the RFP document. In this section, we will share with you some of the key items to be included in the RFP document. A sample table of content for an RFP can be found in Appendix J.
Write down the major administrative details and organizational rules that need to be observed by all Vendors who are interested in participating in the RFP submission. These instruction details are listed in the following subsections:
State clearly and specify exactly the RFP closing date and time, so that there is no excuse for any Vendor to get the submission date and time wrong. If you permit extension of closing date and time, mention it in your RFP, state the circumstances upon which an extension will be granted, and the deadline for submission of requests for extension.
Indicate clearly the address and tender box number for the submission of the RFP document. This helps to ensure that the vendor can deposit the RFP document into the correct place by the stipulated time.
It should be stated clearly with a sample of the exact proposal format you want your vendor to compile and present their RFP proposal. Also, indicate the number of printed copies required and a number of soft copies in “doc” or “pdf” format stored in DVD-ROM or memory sticks.
With the standard format in place, it will be easier for you to evaluate and compare the proposals from different vendors. It is also a good basis for establishing a common practice for the evaluation committee.
State specifically how you want the vendor to present their price structure either regarding fixed fee or regarding total fee based on time and material.
A single point of contact to ensure consistent and unique responses to all Vendors’ queries has to be established before the issue of RFP document to all the vendors. Provide the name, email address and telephone number of this single point of contact in the RFP document.
It is important that you indicate some other administrative details such as those that you think will impact the Vendors’ resources and planning for their estimated project schedule. These are some of the items to be considered.
State the specific rights that your organization expects from all Vendors that want to participate in the submitting proposals. If you think there is no ground for negotiation on the rights of your organization, you may also want to stress that these are mandatory requirements that all Vendors must comply with fully; otherwise, their proposal will be disqualified.
It is common to state in the RFP document that the organization reserves the right to accept or reject any RFP proposals it receives. The organization does not need to provide any reasons or explanation on the principle of the award to any of the vendors.
Indicate clearly to all Vendors that all direct and indirect costs incurred by them before the signing of the official contract document between the vendor and organization must be borne solely by the vendor, and that your organization will not pay any of these costs.
The vendor should be informed that all information listed on the RFP document will be copyrighted to your organization. In cases where you feel that the information is critical, you may state in the RFP that no photocopying of the RFP document is allowed. Also, you may request that copies of the RFP document be returned to your organization together with the proposal submission.
If you want to retain the rights for the RFP proposal submissions that you receive, you will have to state and declare your intentions in the RFP document.
It should be stated clearly that your organization reserves the right to request for presentation by vendors on their proposal, visit the proposed site, and view demonstrations of their proposed products and so on. However, you must provide sufficient notice for the vendor to prepare and present their proposed solution, products, and services to you.
State clearly that your organization reserves the right to interview any of the proposed individuals on their proposal or verify the credits of the vendor with any of references provided.
Indicate the standard contractual requirements, usually recommended by your internal legal advisors for the Vendors to comply with. Some of the commonly used contractual requirements emphasize service quality and continuity, and dictated in many RFPs are provided in the followings: