BCM Institute | Examination

How Is It Like Sitting For The BCM Institute's Examination?

Written by Suhana Sunreh | Jan 31, 2018 3:45:28 AM

By now you should have completed reading the email sent to you on the certification course introduction and details, and probably wonder if there are examinations upon completion of the course. The answer is yes. Like every other module you learn in school, you will be required to sit for the examination at the end to assess and confirm your understanding of the course content.

We will like to introduce to you the conduct of the examination, especially the environment, how you are going to access the examination and the siting of the examination on the assigned day itself.

Online Examination

Our examinations are conducted online unless internet access is limited in your country. We will be providing laptops and internet access to course participants during the examination day.  If the examination is held in-house, the notebooks are provided by the participants or organization.  Below is a view of the onsite online examination being conducted in our offices.

In view of COVID-19 outbreak, participants affected or are not able to travel may opt for the eProctoring session via video conferencing exam invigilating mode.  Read the eProctoring blog for more information.

Userid and Password

Prior to the start of the course start, you will be given the username and password to access the examination portal.

Now is the time to take full advantage of the online practice test and to familiarize yourself with the examination format. Apart from the practice test, you can also read some course notes that may be useful for them during the course and examination.

Closed Book Multiple Choice Examination

This is a closed book exam in multiple-choice questions (MCQ) format. 50 MCQs (1.5 hours) for planner course, 100 MCQs (2.5 hours) for implementer or 300-level course and 150 MCQs (3.5 hours) for expert implementer or 5000-level course. Candidates who achieve a passing score of 75% or higher will be awarded Planner certification. While Implementer and Expert Implementer course participants will be eligible to apply for the BCM Institute's Specialist / Expert accreditation.

Passing Rate

Do not be discouraged by the number of MCQs that you would have to go through, because as of today, we have a 90% passing rate for the planner course and an 80% passing rate for the expert course for the first attempt. Not to worry if you did not do well in your first attempt, if you do not pass on your first try, the second attempt is complimentary.

Location of Examination

In the same email sent to you, you will also provide the location of the examination.  Ask the organizer of the course or the program administration team managing you on day one.

More Information

Click examination for more information.