Crisis Management | CM

[CM] [ISO] Integrating Crisis Management: A Comprehensive Framework for Professionals [R 5.2]

Written by Moh Heng Goh | Apr 5, 2024 6:14:09 PM

ISO 22361:2022 Building A Crisis Management Capability Requirement 5.2

Under requirement "5 Building A Crisis Management Capability," ISO 22361:2022 elaborates on the "5.2 Crisis Management Framework."

Crisis Management Framework

Pivotal Role of Senior Management

The Crisis Management Framework provides a comprehensive blueprint for organisations to integrate crisis management principles seamlessly into their operations.

It emphasises the pivotal role of top management in fostering a culture of crisis readiness by aligning objectives with strategic direction, allocating resources, and promoting continual improvement.

Develop Clear CM Policy and Structure

Through developing a clear crisis management policy, organizations can articulate their commitment, outline objectives, establish priorities, and designate responsibilities for crisis management implementation and coordination.

A robust organizational structure that defines roles, responsibilities, processes, and facilities is also essential for effective crisis management.

Cultivating a Crisis-Ready Culture

Cultivating a crisis-ready culture involves fostering risk awareness, commitment, early warning systems, resilience, open communication, and psychological safety among employees.

Engage Proactively and Build Competence

This proactive engagement enables organisations to detect, assess, and address potential crises more effectively.

Concurrently, building competence across all levels and integrating crisis management into competency development processes is crucial to acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes.

By implementing this CM framework, organisations can enhance resilience, mitigate risks, and ensure continuity in the face of adversity, thus safeguarding their operations and reputation.

Integrating Crisis Management: A Comprehensive Framework for Professionals

In today's dynamic and uncertain world, organisations must be equipped with robust crisis management frameworks to navigate unexpected challenges effectively. This article presents a comprehensive overview of a framework designed to assist organizations in seamlessly integrating crisis management into their operations.
Purpose of the Framework

The primary objective of the crisis management framework is to enable organizations to incorporate crisis management principles into their activities and functions.

This integration facilitates a clear understanding of the relationship between crisis management processes and other organisational management functions.

Leadership Engagement

Top management plays a pivotal role in developing and enhancing the organisation's crisis management capability. They should demonstrate commitment by aligning crisis management objectives with strategic direction and core organisational values.

Moreover, top management should ensure adequate resource allocation, promote continual improvement, and effectively communicate the importance and benefits of crisis management throughout the organization.

Policy Development

A well-defined crisis management policy is the cornerstone for planning and implementing crisis management arrangements.

This policy should articulate top management's commitment, outline crisis management objectives, establish priorities, and designate responsibilities for crisis management implementation and coordination.

Regular reviews ensure policy relevance and alignment with strategic goals.

Organisational Structure

Establishing a robust organisational structure is imperative for developing and continually improving crisis management capabilities. This structure should define roles, responsibilities, authorities, and accountabilities distinct from day-to-day operations.

Additionally, it should incorporate regulations, guidelines, processes, facilities, and tools necessary for effective crisis management.

Cultivating a Crisis-Ready Culture

Organizations must foster a positive attitude and culture that aligns with core values and emphasizes the importance of crisis management.

This entails promoting risk awareness, commitment to crisis management, early warning systems, organisational resilience, open communication, and psychological safety.

By encouraging proactive engagement and communication, organizations can detect, assess, and address potential crises more effectively.

Building Competence

Developing and maintaining competence across all levels is critical for effective crisis management. Integrating crisis management into competency development processes enables the acquisition of necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes.

This integration should encompass awareness building, competence management, systematic learning processes, and organizational learning to drive continual improvement.

Summing Up ...

In conclusion, implementing a robust crisis management framework is essential for organizations to navigate turbulent times effectively.

By integrating crisis management principles into their operations, organisations can enhance resilience, mitigate risks, and ensure continuity in the face of adversity.

Strong leadership commitment, transparent policies, structured organisational arrangements, a crisis-ready culture, and ongoing competence development are fundamental pillars for building and sustaining an effective crisis management capability.


Goh, M. H. (2016). A Manager’s Guide to Implement Your Crisis Management Plan. Business Continuity Management Specialist Series (1st ed., p. 192). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.



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