What is Needed to Complete Module 4 of the CM-5000 Blended Learning [BL-CM-4-5] Course?

Written by Suhana Sunreh | Jul 30, 2021 2:47:14 PM

What Are You Required to Complete for  Module 4 of the Blended Learning Programme?

Module 4: Web Training and Discussion Workshop

To complete Module 4 of the CM-5000 Blended Learning (BL-CM-5) course, participants are required to attend two 3-hour online workshop sessions and two 1-hour offline pre-reading.

The detailed content of the course can be found in Advanced CM Workshop Module 4 is as appended below.

Walkthrough Of Module 4 and Session 1 & 2

The typical sequence of activities within the module includes the following:


Item Mode of Study for Module 4 Flexible (Hours) Fixed Timing (Hours)    
  CM-400/ CM-5000 Session 1        

Pre-reading [M4-S1]

  • Read byte size blogs prior to the online workshop
1-hour  1-hour offline    

Attend and Discuss During Facilitated Online Workshop

  • Maintain Training and Awareness 
  • Review CM Programme
  • Conduct Advanced Level Testing and Exercising
  • Design Exercise and Test Profile
3-hour 3-hour online session (Compulsory Attendance)    
  CM-400/ CM-5000 Session 2        

Pre-reading [M4-S2]

  • Read byte size blogs prior to the online workshop
  • The download of testing and exercising templates for assignment
1-hour 1-hour offline    

Attend and Discuss During Facilitated Online Workshop

  • Design and develop Tabletop exercise
  • Design and develop Incident Simulation exercise
  • Develop injects for the tabletop exercise
3-hour 3-hour online session (Compulsory Attendance) 2  

Submit Assignments

  • Edit the complete set of TE templates (which is combined into one document) after online workshops sessions and Upload the TE assignment to eCampus
1/2-hour Submit (Upload) your completed templates to the facilitator via eCampus within 2 days after the Facilitated Online session.    


8 and 1/2-hour hour



For the exact dates and time of each activity, please refer to the course schedule [RUN #] provided by the Programme Admin team from BCM Institute

Supplementary Notes

These are additional explanatory notes with reference to the individual ITEM as shown in the left-hand column of the above table of activities.


Download TE Templates   Item 1 2 3 4 5

Once the course schedule for Module 4 is confirmed, you should have been notified and given access to eCampus.  You will be notified to download testing and exercising templates (as one file) and have your first attempt at completing the specific template; namely design profile for tabletop exercise, the templates for integrated and partial simulation exercise for Module 4 Session 2 {M4-S2]. 


Pre-readings   Item 1 2 3 4 5

Pre-readings will be provided as they are short blog articles and are accessible via the links as previewed in eCampus. Participants are advised to read them prior to each session as it serves as  'bite-sized' background information, allowing participants to familiarize themselves with the concepts to be discussed.  It would also assist participants in the completion of their assignment in the following  1 hour online session.


Complete Content of TE Templates   Item 1 2 3 4 5

In these two three-hour online workshop sessions, you are already provided access to CM testing and exercising (TE) templates.  Assignment complete is when M4-S1 and M4-S2 will be submitted after the completion of the M4-S2 online workshop with some editing based on the feedback from the class and the instructor.   

Note that there is "guidance notes" to complete the CM testing and exercising templates are made available to assists you when you are attempting to complete the TE templates.  Remember to record any questions and to raise them during the facilitated online session.


Attend Facilitated Online Sessions   Item 1 2 3 4 5

Participants are required to attend two (2) online workshop sessions (three hours per session).  All sessions are compulsory and run at the pre-determined online schedule. There would not be a repeat or substitute session for anyone who missed it.  The session is:

  1. [M4-S1] Session 1: Program Management for Crisis Management Initiatives
  2. [M4-S2] Session 2: Design and Develop tabletop and incident simulation exercises


Guidance to Complete Templates   Item 1 2 3 4 5

Complete Template (Assignment) Before Attending Facilitated Online Workshop

Supported by Guidance Notes.  What if you are completing the TE template and do not understand the purpose or requirement of the field that you are completing?  Refer to the blogs following the titles of the templates.  It provides a fairly comprehensive explanation for each field as required in the template.  Once you have downloaded the templates, proceed to eCampus to click the explanatory notes.

Objectives of Completing Templates.  The objective is to fully understand the purpose and requirement of each entry in the TE template before you attend the online workshops.

You may be wondering why you are doing the TE assignment when the lesson is not yet conducted.  It will also allow you to complete those fields that you know and also contextualize your business environment before the online workshop. The 

When you have attended the facilitated online workshop, the key is for you to ask related questions to the experienced instructors during any of the two Facilitated Online sessions.


Requirement for Assignment   Item 1 2 3 4 5

At the end of Module 4, you are expected to complete 4 tasks marked as [1] to [4]:

  • Design Profile for: 
    • [1] Walkthrough Exercise
    • [2] Incident Simulation Exercise
  • You will continue to develop the [3] two sets of injects for the incident that you have selected on the incident simulation exercise.  Think of it as the first two pieces of information that you would like your participants to read or understand or action to be taken during this exercise.
  • Finally, you are expected to edit the content of the [4] Overall CM Test and Exercise Schedule for your organisation.  Do strike off those that you may think it is not relevant to your organisation. 


Assignment Preparation Before Workshop   Item 1 2 3 4 5

Assignment for Design Profile for Walkthrough Exercise: Do note that you should have completed the entries for the CRA templates by striking off the threats or crisis scenarios not relevant to your organisation before you attend the M4-S1 online session.

Assignment for Design Profile for Incident Simulation Exercise: Do note that you should have completed the entries for the CRA templates by striking off the threats or crisis scenarios not relevant to your organisation before you attend the M4-S1 online session.

Assignment to develop the two sets of injects for the incident simulation:  Based on the scenario that you have selected, proceed to develop the "playbook" for a particular stage of the crisis and what are the role-play, conditions, constraints that you want the participants to experience or to respond to? 

Assignment to edit the content of the Overall CM Test and Exercise Schedule templateYou are to edit or strike off the content of this template to develop a TE schedule to test and exercise your crisis management team over a period of three years. 


Submit (Upload) Assignment After M4-S2 Workshop   Item 1 2 3 4 5

At the end of Module 4 Session 2 {M4-S2], you are required to submit the four completed assignments (found in the same TE template) to the Facilitator by uploading them to eCampus.

Submit your three completed assignments to the facilitator via upload to eCampus within 2 calendar days [12 pm GMT +8] after the Module 4 Session 2 [M4-S2] Facilitated Online workshop session. 


More Information About CM Blended Learning




Please feel free to send us a note if you have any of these questions to sales.ap@bcm-institute.org