Crisis Management | CM

Playbook: Terrorism, Civil Unrest and Demonstrations

Written by Goh Hua Wei | Jun 27, 2021 2:25:05 PM

Playbook: Terrorism, Civil Unrest and Demonstrations

The Incident Management Team should consider implementing some or all of the following measures, depending on the threat:


Action Steps

  • Remind all staff to be extra vigilant and report all suspicious or unusual incidents that they observe not only while at work but also when they are at home or travelling
  • Confirm that the staff call-out tree is available and up-to-date

Confirm that:

  • Vital records are being backed up and are stored off-site
  • A clear desk policy is being applied
  • Vital paper records and documents are being stored in fire-proof safes
  • Confirm that contact lists for emergency services, contractors, and suppliers are available and up-to-date
  • Ensure that fire extinguishers are tested and available within buildings
  • Prepare and issue a press release if operations have to cease or premises are affected
  • Use additional guards and increase external/internal patrols
  • Where grills or shutters are fitted, keep them closed and locked
  • Limit access to premises for both staff and customers to one door
  • Check all premises at the start and close of the working day for intruders, unidentified packages, briefcases, etc.
  • Restrict parking at ABC COMPANY LIMITED premises
  • Check vehicles entering ABC COMPANY LIMITED compounds for under-vehicle vehicle booby-traps and other explosive devices
  • Check all mail for explosive devices
  • Check handbags, briefcases and packages carried by all visitors into ABC COMPANY LIMITED premises for weapons and explosive devices.
  • Confirm that a sheltered area within buildings has been identified

If violent disturbances appear likely to occur:

  • Prepare doors for immediate closure and shut and lock them at the first sign of trouble.
  • Ensure that keys to locked external doors are readily available to facilitate evacuation in an emergency.
  • Reduce ABC COMPANY LIMITED’s opening hours.
  • Close ABC COMPANY LIMITED’s buildings to customers.
  • Send staff home or tell them to remain at home until further notice.
  • Postpone or cancel visits by staff from elsewhere in the organization.


More Information About Crisis Management Courses

To learn more about the course and schedule, click the buttons below for the  CM-300 Crisis Management Implementer [CM-3] and the CM-5000 Crisis Management Expert Implementer [CM-5].

Please feel free to send us a note if you have any questions.