This book provides you with the principles of BCM planning methodologies and shows you how to apply them in developing an effective and detailed Pandemic Influenza business continuity plan. It also includes a practical “fast track” how-to-do-it template to assist persons without previous experience in business continuity planning in preparing their own pandemic flu business continuity plans.
The BCM Series presents a step-by-step program aimed to equip your organization with a full understanding of the process for BC planning. It also provides detailed documentation, explanations and templates that serve as invaluable reference material.
ISBN: 981-05-5227-0
Published Year: 2006
Published Year: 2015 (2nd Edition)
A Manager's Guide to Implement Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan
This DR planning book is designed to help organizations to establish and maintain a high degree of DR capabilities in IT services to support their business missions. This book will provide the organizations with:
This book is very useful for anyone who needs to conceptualize and develop a DR Plan. It provides an extensive framework to identify and evaluate IT risks, business impacts due to the risks, DR requirements, and prioritization. At the same time, this book follows a structural development approach that will save time and cost in developing a cost-effective DR Plan that addresses all aspects of the business requirements for IT services.
Purchase [Click book icon] your copy of "A Manager's Guide to Implement Your IY Disaster Recovery Plan" now.