Business Continuity Management | BCM

T22: IT Related Activities

Written by Azizah Nurdin | Apr 6, 2021 6:53:55 AM

This is a series of useful templates that you can use to develop the  Testing and Exercising program.

It Related Activities



These templates are IT related activities during a test.  The document includes essential PC applications and printer code lists.  These also include the preparation of the test data and test report to be generated after the test.



Basic Applications ( Provided For Each PC )

The software application to be provided in each microcomputer is consolidated in this template.  This document allows the users to finalize their PC requirement (extracted from their BC plans) and summaries the requirement for the IT for their preparation of the work area.


Business Unit Owner (Name) Required Application(s)



Printer Code List

The printer requirement at the work area requires accurate configuring and this template will help the IT network team to ensure the correct printers are assigned and configured.


Business Unit Printer Type IP Adress Printer Code



Test Data for Controllers

During the test, the controllers will need to “feed” the data so that it could act as a “transactional data” to the test participants.  The test data will need to be collected prior to the test.


S/No Description of Data Responsible & Action By Reference No. in Application System Completed (Yes/No)



Test Reports to be Generated

If a test requires user to input data into the system, the Business Continuity Coordinator will need to pre-arrange for IT to generate the report of all transactions input during the test.  This report will enable participants of the test to verify the accuracy of their inputs and confirm the results.


S/No Report No Description of report Receipients of report Remark


Goh, M. H. (2006). Testing and Exercising Your Business Continuity Plan. Business Continuity Management Series (2nd ed.). Singapore: GMH Pte Ltd.



Find out more about Blended Learning BCM-300 [BL-B-3] & BCM-5000 [BL-B-5] 



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